Nigel Strang ICT for Health DG Information Society & Media European Commission ICT WP Challenge 5 - Objective 5.3: “ Patient Guidance Services (PGS), safety and healthcare record information reuse ”
What are we looking for ? What do we not want? Is this new or has it or something like it been called before? Who are the leading players/Is there a key group of actors or technology platforms driving this? What is the additional relevant background info ? Patient Centred Systems
FP7 ICT Objective 5.3 An overview (What are we looking for) Semantic interoperability Security layers Mobile Access to EHR Portal Activity D – 3 M€ Pre Commercial Procurement Semantic interoperability Security layers Patient Guidance Services Activity A –15 M€ IP & Strep Governance (Activity C NoE) Terminologies/Ontologies, Health Record Structures, Knowledge bases Interoperability, Product certification, Template/Archetype validation Semantic interoperability Reuse of clinical data clinical research Activity B – 14 M€ IP & Streps Security layers
What we do not want Isolated short term projects on specific use cases
Interoperability issues Semantic HEALTH Project 009/2009semantic-health-report.pdf 009/2009semantic-health-report.pdf Safety issues from the eHealth for Safety Project Inter operabilty testing from the Hitch Project Patient Centred Health care “ICT solutions for sustainable health” workshop – 29 Sept 2009 Swedish Presidency’s 2009 eHealth Report r%20a%20Healthier%20Europe.pdf r%20a%20Healthier%20Europe.pdf Council Conclusions on "safe and efficient healthcare through eHealth" (adopted on of ) pdf pdf EPSOS – Calliope Backgroun for Patient Guidance Services
Activity D - Pre-commercial procurement Based on existing Patient health data Portals Provide secure Mobile access Final touches on the Portal to allow EHRs to be gathered securely from multiple sources could be allowable cost but not the full development of the Portal Joint effort with public and private organizations setting up such portals
Activity A Patient guidance services for personalised management of health status Engage and assist patients and their entourage in the care process Construct integrators for multiple sources Provide a platform for integration of (PHS) devices Incorporate patient based (VPH) models Provide shared Patient, entourage & clinician decision support Provide services – compliance, safety alerts, lifestyle guides, book and choose Contribute to the European infostructure under the Governance of the Network of excellence Submit all services and systems to interoperablity testing and certification (if/where available)
Activity C - Governance Network of excellence –Infrastructure Governance Clinical governance Medical professional organisations Health care record structures Terminologies/ Ontologies Medical Logic/ knowledge Virtual organisation –Testing and certification governance Interoperability Product certification
Activity B Reuse of Clinical Data for clinical research and epidemiology Repeat of the topic of call 4 Address legal and interoperability issues Clinical trials, cohort studies, phenotype genotype studies Defining the conditions that enable the reuse of clinical data Exploiting the information gathered in the European Portal Contribute to and use the infostructure
Expected impact- Target outcome a), b), c) and d): Common platform for a wide range of ICT-based healthcare services Improve sustainability of Healthcare services by enabling better use of resources. Increased international competitiveness of European Healthcare Information Services and Software industry. Guidance on healthcare information systems issues in “green field” member states. Accelerated establishment of interoperability standards and of secure, seamless communication of health data between all involved partners, including patients. Wide-scale epidemiology based on Europe-wide Healthcare information system.
Expected impact- target outcome a), c) and d): Better medical expertise access in remote areas, via improved decision-support systems Support for patient mobility and patient safety through PHR accessed throughout Europe. Improved disease management and treatment through provision of personalised services. Reinforced participation of patients in care processes and health management.
Expected impact- target outcomes b), c) and d): Faster medication innovation and lower costs through a more efficient research process.
Expected impact- target outcome d) only: Wider access for patients to public health information data portals using mobile platforms. Standard mobile solutions for future implementations of closed loop applications.
Leading actors Medical professional organisations Patient representation organisations Member state health service providers Mobile telephone operators Standards development organisations –Healthcare record standards –Terminologies and ontologies Healthcare software editors Healthcare information providers
Contact persons DG INFSO Unit H1 – “ICT for Health” Patient Guidance Services safety and healthcare record information reuse Nigel Strang