PEPFAR Implementing Partner MENTORING PROGRAM FOR HEALTH COMMODITY MANAGERS IN TANZANIA Abdourahmane Diallo, MD, MPH Director of Technical Services USAID | DELIVER PROJECT October 06, 2010
PEPFAR Implementing Partner BACKGROUND Logistics systems for ARV drugs and HIV test kits designed and rolled out Commodity managers training to roll out system Presence of USG care and treatment partners on the ground—regionalization Presence of SCMS supply chain monitoring advisors in MSD zones Major scale up of services but limited capacity to visit/support all Care and Treatment Centers (CTCs).
PEPFAR Implementing Partner PROGRAM DESIGN—OJT TOOLKIT MODULE I: Logistics Mentoring/OJT Overview Guidelines MODULE II: Conducting a Logistics Mentoring/OJT Visit MODULE III: Logistics Problem Analysis Charts MODULE IV: Logistics OJT Exercises MODULE V: Logistics OJT Resources
PEPFAR Implementing Partner PROGRAM DESIGN—MENTORING Regional/district pharmacists and AIDS Control Coordinators to work with SCMS on the program Care and treatment partners to identify/hire a dedicated staff for commodity management and logistics All to be trained by SCMS.
PEPFAR Implementing Partner IMPLEMENTATION—PILOT PHASE Organized a TOT for mentors Piloted the tool kit in 3 regions (3 districts, 16 hospitals, health centers, and dispensaries) during October 2009 Trained 27 mentors; 55 HCW received OJT.
PEPFAR Implementing Partner IMPLEMENTATION—ROLL OUT PLAN To train 606 RHMT and CHMT members from the regional and district levels, and trained the implementing partners 24 partners from ICAP, AIDSRELIEF, EGPAF, FHI, CHAI, DOD, and MDH to be trained Six hundred copies of the final toolkit printed in June 2010, at a cost of U.S.$23,077 Roll-out training to start in January 2011 and is expected to last seven months Toll-free telephone line for a targeted intervention.
PEPFAR Implementing Partner ANTICIPATED CHALLENGES Financial resources to support regional/district pharmacists and AIDS Control Coordinators Request for materials to be translated in Swahili Future changes to the current logistics systems Limited time during routine supportive supervision visits for a comprehensive OJT.
PEPFAR Implementing Partner LESSONS LEARNED Standard classroom training still works but is not enough Practical problem solving- oriented approach preferable to standard SOP manuals Mentoring program is major step toward building sustainability Local HCW and partners empowered to address logistics issues Not all recommendations can be implemented (i.e., storage).
PEPFAR Implementing Partner THANK YOU