Welcome to AP STATISTICS Mr. Honberger
4 elements to AP STATS ► Probability ► Data Analysis ► Design a Study ► Inference Test
AP Exam ► Wednesday May 15, ► Wall of Fame. ► Barrons Review Book. ► It is EXPECTED that all students take the exam.
Calc/Books ► Every student needs their own graphing calc. TI 84 plus, or TI 84 plus Silver edition are recommended. ► Graphing calcs are used on the AP Exam. ► I have a class set of books. Keep student book at home. Bring your own Calc.
Homework/Web site/Quizzes ► Homework: Checked daily and turned in daily. ► My school Web page: Your student must go to my web site and print the calendar and worksheets. ► Online Grades: Make sure you can access your students grades online. I update them every Friday(none so far). ► Quizzes: 12 quizzes, keep the best 10. (safety net) ► Make-ups: Test and quizzes-taken within 2 days of the students return to class Homework-one day for each days absence.
Click for Year long calendar Year long calendar Click for Pacing Schedule Ch. 7Pacing Schedule Ch. 7 Mr. Honberger’s Web Page
Grading Scale: ► Tests=60% Quizzes=15% Homework=5% Final=15% Labs=4%Class Participation=1% ► A=90-100%, B=80-89%, C=70-79%, D=60-69% ► Round up rule. A on HW, A on Final(89.5%). ► %s change in the second semester.
What Parents should do to assist their Students. ► Check the calendar for major events(Tests, project due dates, etc). ► Verify they have finished their homework. ► Encourage your student to find a study buddy. ► Talk with your students about what to do when they get stuck.
Office Hours/Tutors ► Monday-Thursday 7:15-7:35. ► Subject to change with Volleyball schedule. ► You can reach me at ► I usually check my at night-students can me to see if I will be here in the morning. ► There is a list of student tutors on the GB web site-math. There is not very many AP STATS students as most students are seniors.
Thank you for coming!