Engineering Approach EDM Collaboration Meeting 2-07 Jan Boissevain
Drawings Time estimate varies from 2 to 10 hours/drawing # of drawings: ~1000 As much as possible, we will define interfaces and write specifications. Vendors will create drawings and provide documentation (model if possible) During the next year, make a test case and measure the time
Major Purchases Big Dilution Refigerator –Define pump system and piping –Define interface to Cryo-vessel Helium Liquefier 4 Layer MuMetal Shield Beam Line
High Priority Tasks Define Dilution Refrigerator Design Interface between Cryo-vessel and MuMetal Shield assembly => MuMetal support structure Design Cryo-vessel – especially the central volume
Engineer Availability Jan Boissevain100% Matthew Busch25% John Ramsey25% Ernie Ihloff25% Larry Bartoszek25% Chris Daurer25% NCSU Engineer??
Conclusions? CD2 review probably should be delayed –$$ drive the schedule –No “New Starts” R&D finish time should be delayed