CBPS PREVENTION NETWORK 2 PROGRAMME NAME Eat well exercise often live well- Mediterranean Diet – Back to our tradidtion Objectives To educate children and their families in an interactive way in the main concepts of healthy nutrition and exercise Main activities Interactive lessons Cooking class Theater Social media Target groups Children ages 8-11 years old School teachers Families Communication tools Leaflets, drama project, social media Political support First lady of Cyprus Ministry of education Municipalities Commisioner for the children Commisioner for volunteers Private partners Private food companies Private Banks
CBPS PREVENTION NETWORK 3 How has your program developed since the last European Obesity Forum in Nov 2014 We have expanded in including the main subject of the mediterranean Diet and we have emphasized that if we go back to our tradition we will have the principals of the mediterranean Diet as the main tools to fight obesity. This way we help preserve our tradition, we introduce or re-introduce into the new generation a healthy Model of eating, the MEDITERRANEAN Diet and we help promote our local food. We have also added a final get together party with food that the children cook with political officials ( the main lady host this event in the presidential palace ) and invite there perents and the political partners to come and taste healthy traditional food PROGRAMME DEVELOPMENT
CBPS PREVENTION NETWORK 4 How has your program developed since the last European Obesity Forum in Nov 2014 A new cooperation with KOA - Ministry of sport to promote exercise and healthy eating in the European Move Week September We encourage children to begin their day with energy coming from morning dancing – exercissing with a popular song and drinking water and eating one fruit Name Maximize your daily energy We plan to visist all elementary schools once PROGRAMME DEVELOPMENT
CBPS PREVENTION NETWORK 5 OUR STRENGTHS Campaigns/ Communication Public-Private Partnership Evaluation and dissemination Political commitment Campaigns/ Communication Public-Private Partnership Evaluation and dissemination The ministry fo education has offered us their support The minister of Education himself supprts the program The First lady of the country supports our efforts by hosting the events KOA sports ministry supports us Social media mass media support Food industry and food importers Private banks Self evaluation
CBPS PREVENTION NETWORK 6 OUR CHALLENGES AND BARRIERS Challenges Political commitmentCampaigns/ Communication Public-Private PartnershipEvaluation and dissemination We want to have the support of the government officials for a yearly event that will be annonced Organize a strategy for communication Get involved with more companies Questionnaires for self evaluation Barriers Political commitmentCampaigns/ Communication Public-Private PartnershipEvaluation and dissemination Funds Time commitment We need permanent personnel