The Gift of the magi Alicia Anderson
The Gift of the Magi A sentimental story, about two young lovers who would give up their proudest possessions to make each other happy.
The Gift of the Magi “Three times Della counted it. One dollar and eighty-seven cents. And the next day would be Christmas…
The Gift of the Magi There were two possesssions that the Dillingham’s took pride in. For Della it was her long hair and for Jim it was his gold watch that was passed on to him.
The Gift of the Magi With an income of only $20 a week Della came to the decision that in order to get her husband, Jim the gold chain she would commit the selfless act of selling her hair. As a result the hair dresser, Madame Sofronie gave her $20 for her hair, meaning Della had a total of $21.87, which she can now use to purchase the $21 gold chain.
The Gift of the Magi When Della returned home she got out her curling irons , curled her hair in hopes that Jim would still think she was beautiful.
The Gift of the Magi When the door opened Jim stepped in with a look Della could not read. Della explained that she sold her hair so that she could give him the gift that she knows he deserves
The Gift of the Magi Jim then explained to Della that no matter what she did to her hair, his love would never be any less. He then told her that he sold his golden watch to give her the gift she always wanted a comb set to wear in her “beautiful vanished hair” In excitement she said “My hair grows so fast Jim”. In response Jim suggested that they put their presents away and just enjoy the last moments of Christmas day.
The Gift of the Magi The maji were wise men who brought gifts to Jesus, and were said to have invented the art of giving Christmas presents.