Instructions Rate each photo For each photo, consider –What is it about this type development that you like or dislike? –Would this type of development in your community or region support or detract from its rural character and economic development potential? Don’t like it at all!Not my thingNeutralI like itI love it!
1. New Single-Family Housing
2. New Single-Family Housing
3. Multi-Family Housing
4. Multi-Family Housing
5. Retail Shops
6. Retail Shops
7. Large Retail Development
8. Large Retail Development
9. Industry
10. Industry
11. Civic Use
12. Civic Use
13. Gas Station
14. Gas Station
15. Rural Residential Development
16. Rural Residential Development
Top Likes and Dislikes Identify your top 3 likes and top 3 dislikes Note any common characteristics among the photos you like and the photos you dislike
Development Preferences Let’s discuss –Likes? –Dislikes? Other observations –Surprised by any of your ratings or observations? –Does the type, form, & appearance of development influence the character and economic development potential of rural areas? –Thinking differently about development in your community or region?