Amy Rorvig English 120
Cell phone use demonstrates a negative impact on society Cell phones increase the risk car accidents chances of getting brain cancer are greater addicted to cell phones Sexting
Cell phones emit a electromagnet radiation energy(RF) also found in microwaves and in X-rays Electromagnet radiation can penetrate solids to various depths cause damage by separating molecules
Electromagnetic radiation penetrates your body about six inches from the center of the phone's antenna. While having the cell phone by your head it penetrates your brain. If it's on your waist, it penetrates the important blood-forming flat bones of your hips. (Fosburg)
Will Thomas
Many health issues have been linked to Electromagnetic Fields Brain cancer along with eye, ear and leukemia. miscarriages birth defects Heart Problems headaches learning disabilities (Sellman 2007)
Brian tumors mass of abnormally growing cells in the brain or skull serious because a growing tumor eventually will compress and damage other structures in the brain brain cancer rates in America have increased by 25 percent since the introduction of the cell phone
Of all the distractions that today's drivers face, cell-phone use may be the most dangerous. While on the phone and driving has been also been compared to driving drunk. Barnett 2007
Harvard study suggests that motorists on cell phones are responsible for about 6 percent of auto accidents in the United States each year, killing an estimated 2,600 people and injuring another 330,000. Tecco 2004
Now with nearly two-thirds (63%) of teens owning their own cell phone, many parents have noticed obsessive behaviors in their teens, often so extreme they resemble addiction."(Addiction Treatment Resources for Parents of Teens & Young Adults
Many experts believe cell phone addiction can soon be classified as a disease similar to drug addiction, alcoholism, or gambling.."(Addiction Treatment Resources for Parents of Teens & Young Adults
Some symptoms of cell phone addiction Feeling restless or uncomfortable when not using a cell phone Having irrational reactions to being without a phone if it is lost or forgotten; Problems at school and work from constant cell phone use Mounting cell phone bills that cause financial distress Taking risks such as using a cell phone during inappropriate times (driving)."(Addiction Treatment Resources for Parents of Teens & Young Adults)
Sexting Sexting is when a person sends a reveling picture of them self to someone else by using their cell phone. Sexting was not in the English vocabulary ten years ago but is now heard and talked about often.
"Thirty percent of 17-year-olds who have cell phones say they have received "sexting" photos or video messages Eight percent of 17-year-olds say they have sent such sexually suggestive images Choney 2009
Sexting has many risk attached with it It can cause depression It can embarrass you People will judge you for your actions The photo can get sent around to everybody not just to the one person it was intended for Sexts can be used for blackmail of revenge