BLAISE PASCAL ~ a brief biographical sketch by ~ Carl J. Wenning
Blaise Pascal French mathematician, philosopher, and religious figure Born: Clermont on June 19, 1623 Died: Paris on August 19, 1662
Most notable accomplishments Pascal’s triangle for binomial expansion Pascal’s principle - when there is an increase in pressure at any point in a confined fluid, there is an equal increase at every other point in the container.
Vacuums & Barometers Studied free space above mercury level in barometers - believed in vacuum Showed through experiment that air pressure decreases with increasing height
Pascal’s Vases In his investigations of the barometer, he found that the height to which the mercury rose in a vessel was the same regardless of shape.
Pascal’s Wager First use of truth table A single paragraph of Pensees The best possible consequence that a atheist can hope for is the worst possible situation an theist can attain. Ergo, it is better to believe. God does exist God does not exist I do believe I go to heaven No consequence I do not believe I go to hellNo consequence
Icon and Death Mask