微生物應用工業 教科書 : 應用微生物學 王三郎 著 高立出版 小 考 20% 期中考 40% 期末考 40%
Bioprocess Engineering 基因重組﹝ PCR, host selection ﹞ 或 微生物篩選 ﹝ plasmid selection ﹞ Lab. 生產工廠生產 前處理﹝ 殺菌等 ﹞生化反應器破碎細胞 分離及純化 Recombinant protein metabolites 細胞固定化﹝ 酵 素固定化 ﹞
eucaryotes v.s procaryotes multicellular organisms v.s. single cells
A schematic diagram of an animal cell accompanied by electron micrographs of its organelles
Figure 4 A drawing of a plant cell accompanied by electron micrographs of its organelles.
Scale drawings of some prokaryotic cells
A schematic diagram of a prokaryotic cell
eucaryotes v.s procaryotes multicellular organisms v.s. single cells
Drawings of some cells:(a)an osteocyte (bone cell), (b)a sperm, (c)a pancreatic and (d)a neuron (nerve cell)
An evolutionary tree indicating the lines of cellular life on earth