Afghanistan Contract Operations JOINT CONTRACTING COMMAND IRAQ/AFGHANISTAN Afghanistan Contract Operations COL Daniel Cottrell Deputy Commander, JCC-I/A, and Principal Assistant Responsible for Contracting-Afghanistan (PARC-A) 25 MAR 10 4/27/2017
Capt Dawn Heffelfinger PARC-AFGHANISTAN As of 4 FEB 10 RCC Mazar e Sharif MAJ Daniel Pagone 070 661-6650 BADAKHSHAN Shir Khan Keleft Balkh Jeyretan BALKH Eshkashem JOWZJAN RCC Bagram Lt Col John Leif DSN: 318-431-4746 Mazar-e Sharif Konduz Baghlan Sar-e Pol Samangan RCC Herat MAJ Joe Paulin 318-841-5166 SAR-E POL SAMANGAN RCC Shank MAJ Russ Hoff DSN: 318-481-5116 Pol-e Khomri RCC Kabul Lt Col Mitch Appley DSN: 318-237-1018 FARYAB Bagram KONAR HERAT Bamian LAGHMAN PARVAN Herat RCC Phoenix Maj Derek Blough DSN: 318-237-2021 RCC Sharana MAJ Amanda Flint DSN: 318-481-4190 Kabul Jalalabad HERAT RCC Shindand TSgt Jason Frazee 0795328217 Baraki Khowst RCC Fenty Lt Col Abner Devallon DSN: 318-831-6215 Baghran Ghazni Salerno RCC Delaram II Capt Dawn Heffelfinger 318-358-6036 RCC Leatherneck Maj Tommie Gates 318-357-2824 PAKTIKA RCC Salerno LTC Doug Lightner DSN: 318-851-5127 Shkin ZABOL Tarin Kowt Qalat Farah Geresk RCC Dwyer Maj Harry Loughran 318-359-2088 Kandahar Zaranj Lashkar Gah Spin Boldak QANDAHAR PAKISTAN Quetta USFOR-A LNO 237-4419 USFOR-A (S) LNO 421-6305 JSC LNO 841-2179 JCC-I/A LNO to USFOR-A 237-1646 RCC Kandahar Lt Col Brandon Montler DSN: 318-841-1248 2 2 4/27/2017 2
Total FY10 Year to Date: $884,323,537 October November December October November December January February March April May June July August September FY08 $ $87,834,006 $55,676,440 $56,419,146 $70,458,798 $64,287,882 $96,724,289 $70,035,404 $124,906,650 $96,189,011 $192,812,878 $75,461,120 $201,811,687 FY09 $ $29,849,629 $87,959,251 $163,872,892 $163,541,556 $159,054,976 $181,985,959 $201,993,251 $229,894,335 $355,249,584 $255,665,288 $278,863,509 $489,439,747 FY10 $ $101,039,470 $149,246,624 $187,485,804 $221,004,802 $179,080,898 FY08 Actions 755 749 899 1020 1014 1126 1031 1208 1147 1346 1135 1191 FY09 Actions 862 1103 1175 1442 1204 1675 1615 1793 1814 2001 2215 2394 FY10 Actions 1706 2011 2125 2216 1953
SUPPORT TO AFGHANISTAN ECONOMY “Civil Considerations may be the primary determinant for victory” FM 3-24 Counter Insurgency Dec 06 Awarded $624M in FY 10 Year to Date to Afghan Firms (58% of Dollars and 72% of actions) with $33M awarded to Afghan Women Owned Businesses* Awarded over $2.06B in FY09 to Afghan Firms; 72% of total contracted dollars $28M awarded to Afghan Women Owned Businesses during FY 09 PARC-A handles all Commander’s Emergency Response Program contracts greater than $500K 103 contracts valued at $361M in FY09 Host Nation Trucking Contracts - Afghan drivers have conducted over 40,000 missions across Afghanistan since May 09 PARC-A utilizes Peace Dividend Trust (PDT), a Non Governmental Agency (NGO), to assist in business development within Afghanistan *As of 21 Mar 10 “Peace Dividend Trust has witnessed more positive impact on the economic development of Afghanistan, thanks to the efforts of the PARC-A, than the UN, USAID, and all the Coalition efforts combined.” Mr. Scott Gilmore, Executive Director Peace Dividend Trust, speaking to the Commission on Wartime Contracting – Dec 09 4/27/2017