Gender Perspective in local Policies
Sectors of local policies Dimension of gender in political governing In employment In reconciliation of family and personal life In social policy In the integration of “frail teams” in local society In fighting of violence
Attendance in the Process of decision- making at local level Attendance Representation
MEASURES AND POLICIES FOR INCREASING THE PERCENTAGE OF ELECTED WOMEN IN THE LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT Quota in the attendance of candidate women in ballots for the election of Municipal and Local Council 30% percentage in all representative bodies and committees of local self-government.
Quota Quota Representatives from all social layers to be attracted (silent categories of Population) Enlargement of social representations in the citizens
Characteristics of attendance of Women elected in Public Councils Lack of addressing in Public Councils They are forced to follow up men intervention Rare intervention
Results of this attendance What is the role of elected women? Do they hold responsibility posts? Roles are associated with those functions which they are invited to take as town councillors.
Results of this attendance Elimination of women's marginalization in “feminine regions “Social maternity” Social welfare care cleanliness
The activation of elected women promoted awareness and action. Do they have the perspective of gender mainstreaming? Simply raising the number of elected women is not enough.
Measures for the empowerment of women to engage in politics Development of action plan at national level Information and awareness campaigns Training women candidates Advisory support and empowerment of women elected Empowerment of institutions and networks of elected women Sensitization of the Prefectoral and Municipal Councils and Advisers
Measures for the empowerment of women to engage in politics Training seminars Dialogue with social institutions and parties Expeditions of briefing and sensitization of citizens Programs of Sensitization of the public and also political parties Application of “gender mainstreaming” by the Central Administration and the Local Self- government Fight against discrimination and promote cultivation of culture that reinforces gender balanced participation by media
Levels of Intervention in general Levels of Intervention in general action plans for employment Creation of new structures and strengthening existing structures to provide information and vocational counselling Awakening of institutions and mechanisms in Local Authority Reconciling work and family life Actions to facilitate the integration of women into the labour market Empowering women Sensitization of local society
Guide for incorporating the gender perspective in the design of local policies Action plan on municipal or level as part of the Operational Program of Municipalities. Action plan on municipal or level as part of the Operational Program of Municipalities. Creation of mechanism for the promotion and mainstreaming of the gender perspective in local policies and to monitor compliance with gender equality at local level Awareness of the elected LOCAL AUTHORITIES, workers and local society