Phone: Most Common Reasons To Visit A Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Farella is a well known cosmetic surgeon in Westchester, New York. He is a specialist in all forms of plastic surgery. Phone: Dr. John Farella, M.D., FACS
Often performed on the Abdomen Buttocks Hips Thighs Upper arms Procedure known as LIPOSUCTION #1: Removal of fat
Dr. John Farella, M.D., FACS Reshaping of the nose aesthetically alter to make more beautiful to make it bigger or smaller to narrow the span of the nostrils to change the angle between the nose and upper lip Procedure known as RHINOPLASTY #2: Nose job
Dr. John Farella, M.D., FACS Reshaping of breast is done by using saline- or silicone-filled implants to enlarge both breasts to replace a breast that is absent to make asymmetrical breasts equal in size Procedure known as BREAST AUGMENTATION or AUGMENTATION MAMMAPLASTY #3: Breast Enlargement
Dr. John Farella, M.D., FACS Reshaping of eyelids is done to improve the vision to remove extra fat to remove extra muscle to remove extra skin Procedure known as EYELID SURGERY or BLEPHAROPLASTY #4: Improvement in vision
Dr. John Farella, M.D., FACS Often performed to get the coveted flat stomach to lift the lower body to remove extra fat to remove extra skin to tighten abdominal muscles Procedure known as TUMMY TUCK ABDOMINOPLASTY #5: Flattened Abdomen
Dr. John Farella, M.D., FACS Reshape the lower two-thirds of the face by gently pulling skin tighter by smoothing deep lines by minimizing sagging by removing excess fat Procedure known as FACELIFT or RHYTIDECTOMY #6: Solutions to wrinkles
Dr. John Farella, M.D., FACS Repositioning of sagging breast is done to raise and reshape sagging breasts by removing extra skin by repositioning the remaining tissue and nipples adding more fullness to lost breast volume Procedure known as BREAST LIFT or MASTOPEXY #7: Breast Reshaping
Dr. John Farella, M.D., FACS Reshaping or reforming of ear is done to restore normal ear shape to bring the ears closer to the head by removing the ear's skin or cartilage mostly on kids Procedure is known as EAR PINNING or OTOPLASTY # 8: Ear reshaping
Dr. John Farella, M.D., FACS Reduction of excessive amounts of male breast tissue is done with the help of liposuction by surgically removing the breasts Procedure is known as GYNECOMASTIA #9: Male breast reduction
Dr. John Farella, M.D., FACS Lifting or enlarging the buttocks is done with solid silicone implants with fat injections by using patients own body fat by using liposuction Procedure is known as BUTTOCKS AUGMENTATION or GLUTEOPLASTY #10: Buttocks Reshaping
Dr. John Farella, M.D., FACS Improvement of tone, texture and quality of your hands is done by synthetic fillers by fat transfer by laser treatment to restore volume to hands that appear “skeleton-like.” Procedure is known as HAND LIFT or HAND REJUVENATION #11: To Restore the Youth of Aging Hand Skin
Dr. John Farella, M.D., FACS Moles, warts, cysts, acnes and scars are removed by non surgical procedure by surgical procedure by using laser techniques Procedure known as MOLES AND SKIN REMOVAL or SCAR REVISION AND REDUCTION #12: Removal of Moles and Scars
Contact Dr John Farella at: 311 North Street, Suite 408 White Plains, NY Ph: (914) Visit at