Florida Department of Environmental Protection Tom Rogers Division of Air Resource Management TMDL Mercury Emissions Inventory Subproject
Purpose To support the department’s mercury TMDL (total daily maximum load) program. By reviewing and modifying, as deemed appropriate, the TMDL contractor’s Florida mercury emissions inventory (to be used for TMDL modeling). To supplement data gaps or reduce uncertainty with new test data, as time and funding allow.
For Mercury 2005 National Emissions Inventory (NEI) Built by the U.S. EPA with mercury emissions based on pre-2005 data from numerous sources. Starting point for building a 2009 inventory. DARM to review 2005 NEI for Florida and make changes to mercury emissions as deemed necessary to reflect expected 2009 emissions. Will use more recent data if available or will use best engineering judgment where data is either unavailable or highly uncertain.
Potential New Test Data TMDL office has some funding that could be used to test mercury emissions from a few sources. Target sources that are considered large (Hg) and have little or highly uncertain emissions data. Preliminary judgment: cement plants. We would also like to explore teaming with sources that will be making Hg measurements in the near future to enhance the data collection (e.g., speciation)
Provide Data to Contractor DARM will compile and submit the revised mercury emissions data to the contractor. DARM will provide additional source and emissions data, as requested, and technical consultation and review of the TMDL deposition modeling.
Contact Tom Rogers Division of Air Resource Management February 10, 2009