TARGET TIME: What is this a picture of? Thoughts?
TARGET TIME: DAY 1 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES November 26, 2012 BELLWORK (handout on front table): A) WG-W2 DVD SG-HANDOUT CC-Fill out log!IR-14E B) If a contagious disease was spreading through the air, I could effectively protect myself by...
TARGET TIME: DAY 1 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES November 26, 2012 BELLWORK: SHARING (read the complete sentence): If a contagious disease was spreading through the air, I could effectively protect myself by...
TARGET TIME: DAY 1 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES November 26, 2012 TODAY WE ARE LEARNING TO: 1) activate background knowledge to increase comprehension of new texts, 2) use listening & viewing strategies to create new background knowledge, 3) discuss & respond academically on academic topics that promote our comprehension of new material. HOW? WHAT DOES IT MEAN?
TARGET TIME: DAY 1 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES November 26, 2012 TODAY WE ARE ALSO REVIEWING WORKSHOP 1 VOCABULARY. circumstances,urgent, drastic, significant, aspire 1) P.9 circumstances,urgent, drastic, significant, aspire anguish 2) P.10 anguish devoted 3) P.12 devoted intent 4) P.14 intent intense 5) P.16 intense effective 6) P.18 effective
TARGET TIME: DAY 1 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES November 26, 2012 ANCHOR DVD/HANDOUT 1) Make sure you have the handout! 2) We will watch the anchor DVD twice so relax.
TARGET TIME: DAY 1 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES November 26, 2012 ROTATIONS/BINDER REMINDER: 1. Check the board for your name. 2. Put your things in your binder. 3. Get your items under your desk. 4. Make sure you have your binder & something to write with as you rotate. 5. Remember to fill out your IR log & your computer log (page 30).
TARGET TIME: DAY 1 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES November 26, 2012 WRAP-UP: TODAY I LEARNED _______________ IN (WG, SG, IR or CC) BY (DOING WHAT?) Example: Today I learned how to spell 'individually' in CC by practicing it a bunch of times.