School Development Goal Development “Building a Learning Community”


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Presentation transcript:

School Development Goal Development “Building a Learning Community”

School Development Model

School Development Plan (3-4 year) A long term plan provides direction for change A 3-4 year school development plan is divided into: o Goals o Objectives o Operational Issues

Goals General statements of desired results to be achieved over time Measurable and attainable Few in number Reflected in the school’s mission statement Focused on student achievement Linked to district and provincial strategic plans as well as to teachers’ professional growth plans Results oriented

Objectives Specific targets or milestones set to promote achievement of a particular goal by a specific time Express, in measurable, broadly stated terms, what will be done in a reasonable and specified period of time (Answer both “what” and “when”)

SMART Principle Goals should be: Specific Measurable Attainable Results oriented Time bound “Goals are made SMART through their objectives, indicators of success, strategies and actions.”

School Development Plan (1 year) Completed at the beginning of each school year Provides the details for each objective by: o listing the strategies required o stating how the strategies and objectives will be measured o listing the supports required to implement the strategies and objectives

Parts of the 1 year Plan Goals Objectives Strategies Indicators of Success Support Plan Operational Issues

Strategies These describe how the school intends to accomplish its objectives. Strategies… are implemented through the actions of teachers, students, parents and other school partners are measurable through the indicators of success are numbered and cross-referenced with objectives

Indicators of Success These are measurable and attainable outcomes of the strategy or objective. Indicators of success.. o may be specific – measure a strategy o may be general – measure a number of strategies or the objective

o may be quantitative – assessment results o may be qualitative - actions and practices o demonstrate the effectiveness of an objective and its accompanying strategies o are numbered and cross-referenced with the strategies

Support Plan This component clearly identifies the supports needed to implement the strategies under each objective. Supports… o may be financial in nature o may be professional development requirements o are numbered and cross-referenced with strategies

Operational Issues Issues that come out of the internal review but are not a direct part of the school development plan. Operational Issues… o don’t require long term planning o can be addressed through short meetings or by taking an appropriate action o are important to the success of the plan

“Every shared vision effort needs not just a broad vision, but specific realizable goals – milestones we expect to reach before too long. Goals represent what people commit themselves to do.” (Senge, 1994)