Linking management, planning and quality in Statistics Norway A coherent planning system Systematic quality work Portfolio management Hans Viggo Sæbø and Peder Næs Department of Planning and Finance Statistics Norway
Challenges Clear objectives Indicators Standardisation Internal control Portfolio management
Systematic quality work in Statistics Norway Quality definition (ISO general and Eurostat in statistics) Principles (TQM) CoP as a framework Tools: Quality indicators and reports, self-assessments, risk analysis Organisation and management: Standardisation!
Model for Total Quality and Code of Practice
Performance indicators - Examples Users –Satisfaction Products –Production volume (number of releases, pubications ….) –Quality (e.g. relevance/use in media, timeliness, punctuality…) Processes –Response rate –Response burden Institutional environment – Resources (accounts, human resources, sick leave..)
Standardisation projects Business process model and IT architecture Overview of guidelines and handbooks (2) System for interview surveys (4) Check-list and indicators for data collection (4) Coordination of samples for business surveys (4) A framework system for data editing and estimation (5) A geo database for ground property maps (6) Redesign of website (7) Improved archive for data submitted to researchers (7) Quality assessment covering all statistical products (8) A coherent metadata systems environment (9)
Systematic quality control Quality indicators and measurements Self assessment: all statistics have been assessed during 2008 by using a European questionnaire (DESAP) –Applying a system for follow-up of users –Gathering knowledge on register owners’ quality controls (our suppliers) –Increasing use of automatic imputations –Compiling more and better documentation
Portfolio management If we do not have enough money or resources to follow up all our ideas, which project ideas should we give priority?
Prioritisation based on systematic knowledge, emphasising the following factors: Parameters which are given values on a scale Coherence with strategies and plans Contribution to standardisation of processes Laws and EU-regulations Reduced risk in Statistics Norway Quality Response burden Benefit/gain Other parameters to be taken into account Purpose Costs Competence requirements Complexity Links with other projects, totality of the project portfolio
Decision points in portfolio management