The Changing Shape of Information By: Alexander Martin Alyssa Nikoley Arjan Luhar Blair Hardy Brynn Aguillard Eric Sebahar Haleigh Delarosa Porsche Oconnor Taran Braunersrither
Overview technology is becoming more advanced and society is using it now more than ever. Communicating is getting easier internationally due to blogging, social networking sites. etc. technology is making our lives more fast paced and complicated.
Current News Facebook West Career and Technical Academy Blogging Things are coming out everyday that we can learn from. Most of it media, some of them books.
Education Technology Changes Education: Creates a specific learning environment Allows students to focus on the "big picture" Helps teachers work closely with every student More entertaining and engaging to the learner Prepares student for the new technological age
Government, Politics, and Employment Employers are starting to check potential job candidate's social media pages Politicians are paying video gamers and web creators to create things to make their chances of winning greater. Because of the Internet, we can see anything the government posts or talks about
Arts, Entertainment, and Leisure Netflix Hulu Youtube Technology is becoming more advanced. We can now find anything we want or need on the Internet.
Science, Environment, and Health The ways technology has changed it: provides new ways in finding research new ways in finding cures in health knowing more things about the environment