Ed Council Update Barbara Boucher Owens 9/16/2014 SIGCAS at ACM Ed Council Portland OR Chartered in 1969 Publication-only SIG since 2002
Mission professional ethics Added emphases CSG computing for social good Sustainable computing Chair Mikey Goldweber V Vice Chair Karla CarterV At-large Netiva Caftori Past Chair Andrew Adams The scope of SIGCAS's specialty is to bring together computer professionals, specialists in other fields, and the public at large to address concerns and raise awareness about the ethical and societal impact of computers 9/16/2014 SIGCAS at ACM Ed Council Portland OR
Enthusiastic team – optimism and energy New Editors of the SIGCAS Newsletter Vaibhav Garg Dee Weikle SGB rep USACM Flo Appel Ed Council Rep: me 9/16/2014 SIGCAS at ACM Ed Council Portland OR
Talks How to teach Whistle- blowing Pledge of Computing Professional How to get SIGCAS energized 9/16/2014 SIGCAS at ACM Ed Council Portland OR
By March 2015 Develop plans 4 newsletters ncrease social media presence 9/16/2014 SIGCAS at ACM Ed Council Portland OR
Half day meeting Focus on Computing for Social Good SIGCAS business meeting Informal Social ad hoc afterwards! 9/16/2014 SIGCAS at ACM Ed Council Portland OR
… More to come 9/16/2014 SIGCAS at ACM Ed Council Portland OR SIGCAS has in cooperation agreements with other conferences such as ETHICOMP and ICT4D Members were active in the inaugural IEEE Ethics in Science and Engineering ConferenceIEEE Ethics in Science and Engineering
Look for a redesigned website coming soon SIGCAS.org 9/16/2014 SIGCAS at ACM Ed Council Portland OR Facebook coming soon AC linkedIn group ACM SIGCAS
9/16/2014 SIGCAS at ACM Ed Council Portland OR “The umbrella of Computers and Society is a large one, incorporating not just ethics, professionalism, and CSG. I am excited about SIGCAS's short and long-term future. Under the able leadership of Don Gotterbarn, Keith Miller, Eugene Spafford, and others, SIGCAS is not jettisoning its valuable work in the areas of ethics and professionalism. It is, nevertheless, time to build on these strengths and expand into other areas.” Mikey G