Which of the following is an antagonist to the Flexor Carpi Radialis? A)Levator scapula B)Rhomboidus major C)Extensor carpi radialis D)Plamaris longus E)External oblique
Which of the following is used to abduct the arm (humerus)? A)Trapezius B)Latissimus dorsi C)Pectoralis major D)Deltoid E)Serratus Anterior
Muscle Actions Upper extremities – Pectoralis major –flexor of upper arm – Latissimus dorsi – extensor of upper arm. – Deltoid –abductor of the upper arm. – Biceps Brachii –primary flexor of the forearm. – Triceps brachii –extensor of the elbow/forearm.
Trunk Muscles Anterior abdomen – 3 layers of muscles whose fibers run in different directions – girdle effect. – External oblique – outermost layer – Internal oblique – middle layer – Transversus abdominis – innermost layer Rectus abdominus runs down the midline of the abdomen from the thorax to the pubis. (6-pack) Respiratory muscles Intercostal muscles – between the ribs Diaphragm – separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities.
Movements Produced by Muscle Contractions Flexion – movement reduces the angle between two bones at their joint. Extension – opposite of flexion – increases the angle at a joint. Abduction – moving a body part away from the midline of the body. Adduction – moving a body part toward the midline of the body. Rotation – movement of a body part around an axis.
Muscles of the Lower body
Muscles of the thigh and hip
Quadriceps femoris Covers the upper thigh, extends the leg Includes: Rectus femoris Vastus lateralis – injection site Vastus medialis (Vastus intermedius )
Rectus Femoris
Vastus Medialis
Vastus Lateralis
Tensor Fascia Latae
Hamstrings (posterior thigh) Responsible for Knee Flexion & Hip Extension – Semimembranosus – Semitendinosus – Biceps Femoris
Biceps Femoris
Semitendinosu s
Semimembrano sus
Figure 7-22(b) Muscle s of leg
Tibialis Anterior Anterior Compartment of leg Plantarflexion: flexion of foot
Extensor Digitorum Longus * Deep to the fibularis and tibialis anterior
Posterior Muscles of the Leg Figure 7-22(a)
Review: Can you name the muscles and their origin/insertion/action ?
5 6
Deltoid Pectoralis Major Biceps Brachii Serratus Anterior 5 Platysma 6 Trapezius
Name the Muscles of the forearm
Muscles of the forearm