Working on Computers Making People Happy Cheerleading
Chicken Casserole Grilled Shrimp Checkers & McDonalds Fries =]
Mrs. Coulon Mrs. Momo Mrs. Long Ms. Guillory
Go to the Air Force Go to College Finish College Have a Great Family
GGraduate from college WWorking on building my dream house
MMichael Jackson(my daddy) CChris Brown(my baby daddy) LLinkin Park TTaylor Swift
April 21, 1993
16 yrs. Old 198 Months Old 6,054 Days Old
1978 Aimee Delatte Miss Arkansas Teen-USA (1996) 1963 Beatles meet Rolling Stones for 1st time BC- Traditional date of the foundation of Rome 1984 After 37 weeks, "Thriller" is knocked off as top album by "Footloose" =[
Queen Elizabeth Catherine the Great Andie MacDowell
1131 people has the same name as me. Woah Baby!!! =]