2 CES, MBE, GLE Replace ACM soffit – CT/CMPL SMS GLE, MBE, CES Replace Stage Rigging and Lighting (ACM wiring) CMPL CHS and SMS Brick masonry improvements for serviceability - CT Proposed Priority Capital Maintenance Projects Phase I 2015/16 BES, GLE, MBE, CES and SMS Replace select electric panels CHS Electronic school sign SMS Replace gym floor and bleachers
SMS and FBE Replace bathroom partitions FBE, CHS and HAE Overlay/re-pave asphalt parking lots and drives Cambria, Technology Pave/overlay asphalt parking lots Proposed Priority Capital Maintenance Projects Phase II 2015/16 BES and CPS Replace select A/C Units CHS Replace Auditorium Moveable Partitions HAE, BEL MPR- Replace flooring
Technology Building - Replace windows Montgomery Central Replace windows- lower building Beeks, FBE, GLE Improve Security Fencing CHS Replace lockers Proposed Priority Capital Maintenance Projects Phase II 2015/16 GLE, FBE, HAE Replace concrete sidewalks EMHS Electronic school sign
CHS Replace air handling units, C9, B3, A9 CHS, SMS Replace ceiling tile GLE Paved play area Proposed Priority Capital Maintenance Projects Phase III 2015/16
Replace Mobile Units (~14 units >/= 18 years old) If not addressed through new capital projects