Megan Cumerlato Managing Editor Julie Rust (till March 2015) Internal Medicine Topic Advisory Group Feedback on IM TAG progress from Managing Editor perspective
Internal Medicine TAG Chair: Prof. Em. Naoko Tajima (JP) Co-chair: Dr. Rodney Franklin (UK) CardiovascularHepatobiliaryEndocrinologyNephrologyGastroenterologyRespiratoryHaematologyRheumatology
Working GroupChairsManaging Editor CardiovascularB. Gersh (USA) R. Franklin (UK) T. Kohro Endocrinology & Metabolism A. Shimatsu (JP) E. Gregg (USA) K. Waki GastroenterologyP. Malfertheiner (FRG) S. Miura (JP) J. Akiyama HematologyW. Fibbe (Netherland) S. Okamoto (JP) - HepatobiliaryG. Farrell (AUS)T. Tomiya NephrologyG. Becker (AUS) K. Iseki (JP) Y. Ubara RespiratoryH. Takizawa (JP)T. Suzuki RheumatologyJ. Kay (USA) M. Harigai (JP) M. Kihara Structure of Working Groups
◦ Review of JLMMs shoreline and specialty linearization proposals by each WG for WHO. ◦ Continual code hierarchy review with updates to some areas. ◦ Definitions completed for many areas with work ongoing for content model attributes ◦ Liaison with external TAGs as necessary, i.e. Paediatric, GURM and within the IM TAG. ◦ Continued good support from external experts and societies
Impact of restructure of Infectious diseases chapter following Taskforce meeting in September 2015 Understanding the application of code extensions and clustering Time frame for completion of proposals currently on ICD-11 Browser platform Role of ‘horizontal TAGs’ and ‘vertical TAGs’ in completion of code hierarchy Completion of other attributes in the content model by IM TAG WGs
Cardiovascular WG ◦ ‘Congenital anomaly of heart and great vessels and related acquired abnormalities’ Minor code structure revision Continued entry of definitions ratified by WG and the International Society for Nomenclature of Paediatric and Congenital Heart Disease (ISNPCHD) Further work needed on adult cardiology definitions Content model review of inclusion terms - ongoing
Endocrinology WG ◦ Continued liaison with GURM and Paediatric TAGs regarding proposed code hierarchy changes for Adrenogenital disorders. ◦ Further discussion proposed with Nutritional WG regarding overlap areas e.g. Marasmus in adults, Thinness, Morbid obesity ◦ Ongoing discussions regarding code hierarchy for Diabetes mellitus Liaison with Nephrology WG Topic of discussion at September 2015 Taskforce meeting with resolutions proposed.
Gastroenterology WG ◦ Liaison with Paediatric TAG Managing Editor regarding classification issues relating to Symptoms, findings and clinical forms of the digestive system. ◦ Revised definitions added to platform Hepatobiliary WG ◦ Revised definitions added to platform and minor code hierarchy changes regarding double parenting of some concepts.
Haematology WG ◦ WHO, ICD Office and WG chairs finalised and implemented changes to code hierarchy – great achievement ◦ Discussion with Paediatric TAG Managing Editor regarding ‘Symptoms, signs, clinical forms, and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings’ relating to the blood inclusions terms (classification issue) Nephrology WG ◦ Discussion with Endocrine WG regarding overlap areas: Diabetes mellitus with nephropathy Albuminuria Acute kidney injury
Respiratory WG ◦ Discussion with Allergy TAG and Paediatric TAG with minor changes proposed to: Asthma Certain diseases of the respiratory system Inclusion term review Rheumatology WG ◦ Discussion with Paediatric TAG Managing Editor regarding previously proposed extension codes for Juvenile idiopathic arthritis ◦ Parenting issues – Skin chapter
Completion of content model – inclusion/exclusion terms - issues regarding old ICD-10 index entry import Decision on proposals already submitted to platform Taskforce resolutions implementation ◦ Diabetes mellitus ◦ Infectious chapter Field trials/Peer review