Protestant Reformation
The Protestant Reformation A religious reform movement that began in the 1500s in western Europe Split the Christian Church and led to the creation of new churches
What led up to the Reformation? Unhappiness with Catholic Church Financial corruption Abuse of power Immorality Respect for popes, monks, and priests weakened Heavy taxation Peasants and middle class paid taxes to the church to fund expensive cathedral and pieces of art Sale of indulgences Pardons issued by the Pope decreasing time in purgatory (work off sins in purgatory) Growth of nationalism People began to see themselves as citizens of a government separate from the church.
What started the Protestant Reformation? Turn and Talk What started the Protestant Reformation?
Start at Reform Early critics of the Catholic Church… John Wycliffe Born 1330 Believed Church should give up wealth Removed from teaching position Jan Hus Born 1370s Priest who preached against immorality in Church Burned as a heretic
Martin Luther Luther was against… 1517- The start of the Reformation Indulgences Power of the pope Wealth of the Church 1517- The start of the Reformation Luther made his complaints public Nailed 95 Theses to Church door Printing press spread ideas Luther insisted that individuals could interpret the Bible
Responses to Luther 1521 Luther was summoned by Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor Refused to change opinions Edict of Worms by Charles V Declared Luther an outlaw Condemned his writings 1530- Lutheranism- new religion recognized Charles V moved to suppress Lutheran princes issued protestatio…protest= Protestant
What role did Martin Luther play in the Protestant Reformation? Turn and Talk What role did Martin Luther play in the Protestant Reformation?
Spread of Protestantism Ulrich Zwingli (Swiss) Theocracy- church and state are joined, officials are divinely inspired Luther opposed Died in battle in 1531 John Calvin--Calvinism Most important reformer after Luther Predestination- God already knows who will be saved and guides their lives, no one can change their destiny People are sinful and need strict laws Mandatory church attendance Laws about clothing colors, no jewelry, feasts, dancing, or singing Swiss protestants could not gain support of Lutherans and attacked by Catholic Calvinists believed they were chosen for salvation and liked the strict rules
Spread of Protestantism John Knox- Reformed Church (Presbyterian Church) Anabaptists- rebaptize adults (was a crime punishable by death) Hutterites Mennonites Amish Mennonites
How did the Protestant Reformation change religion in western Europe? Turn and Talk How did the Protestant Reformation change religion in western Europe?
Review Why did the Protestant Reformation begin in Europe? Who started the Protestant Reformation? How did the Reformation change churches/religion in Europe?
Reformation in England Began with Henry VIII Pope refused to declare his marriage invalid (annulled) Henry and Parliament declared England no longer under the authority of the Pope. Became head of Church of England Closed Catholic monasteries and redistributed the land Married Anne Boleyn- had a daughter, Elizabeth 1534- Act of Supremacy- all subjects had to declare Henry VIII the “Supreme Head of the Church of England” Henry’s wife was the nephew of the Charles V the Holy Roman Emperor and they opposed the divorce
Lady Jane Grey was named Queen by Edward but kept in the Tower of London when council switched to Mary---executed at 16 or 17 along with husband Mary Queen of Scots was executed by Elizabeth
Henry’s Heirs Son Edward VI took throne in 1547 at age 9 Died before 16 Mary (1st wife’s daughter) Returned to throne with support of Pope Burned Protestants “Bloody Mary” Elizabeth (daughter of Anne Boleyn, 2nd wife) became Queen Split England from Pope again Persecuted Catholics Executed potential rival, Mary Queen of Scots
How did Henry VIII and his heirs affect religion in England? Turn and Talk How did Henry VIII and his heirs affect religion in England?