the single assessment process training resource SAP Care Coordinator Role 1 The single assessment process The Care Coordinator Role
the single assessment process training resource SAP Care Coordinator Role 2 Group Exercise Care Coordinator role – what is it? In your group consider the following: What skills does an effective care coordinator need? What knowledge does an effective care coordinator need? What values and attitudes does an effective care coordinator need? In the case scenarios what illustrated effective communication?
the single assessment process training resource SAP Care Coordinator Role 3 Care coordinator role Required where needs are complex Where more than one agency involved Coordinates assessment Coordinates care planning Has an ongoing role acting as the focus for communications Details need to be defined and agreed locally
the single assessment process training resource SAP Care Coordinator Role 4 The assessment process Contact assessment Overview assessment Specialist (in-depth) assessment Comprehensive assessment Care Coordinator
the single assessment process training resource SAP Care Coordinator Role 5 Comprehensive assessment Involves (in-depth) assessment of all the domains May be obvious from the beginning that this is needed and therefore overview may not be needed Must be done for people where level of support is likely to be intensive and/or prolonged continues
the single assessment process training resource SAP Care Coordinator Role 6 Comprehensive assessment continued Will provide information for the Registered Nursing Care Contribution (RNCC) determination (free nursing care) Will include assessments from a range of professionals and agencies Will need coordination by a care coordinator
the single assessment process training resource SAP Care Coordinator Role 7 Effective care coordination Person-centred Multi-disciplinary involvement –Trust between members of the team Shared understandings Clarity about role and responsibilities and authority to delegate Shared understanding about decision-making processes including care coordination
the single assessment process training resource SAP Care Coordinator Role 8 Joint Working An essential ingredient to effective joint working is a shared value base and purpose
the single assessment process training resource SAP Care Coordinator Role 9 Group Exercise Sharing values and beliefs Working in multi- disciplinary groups read through the statements on the handout discuss and reach a consensus on your response to each one
the single assessment process training resource SAP Care Coordinator Role 10 Joint Working Developmental stages: Gaining knowledge of partner agencies Improving communication Creating a system of collaboration Using common tools Generating a common culture of care Source: Fossard (1999)
the single assessment process training resource SAP Care Coordinator Role 11 Degrees of partnership Separation Liaison Linkage Coordination Integration
the single assessment process training resource SAP Care Coordinator Role 12 SAP - Joint Working Opportunities & Challenges Greater focus on Joint working Enabling and supporting Less focus on Hierarchy and control Need for Individual and organisational change
the single assessment process training resource SAP Care Coordinator Role 13 Group Exercise What promotes joint working? Review ideas gathered through the workshop What else could be added to this list? Reflect on your group work today or an example of when you have been involved in joint working –What worked well? –Were there any barriers? If so what were they? –How could these and other barriers be overcome?
the single assessment process training resource SAP Care Coordinator Role 14 Group exercise Case studies Working in your group read through the scenario you have been given and consider the following questions: What promotes effective communication/relationship building? (skills, knowledge, values and attitudes etc) How would you negotiate with others involved? (include actions and skills used) How would you manage any tensions and /or conflict? Record the key points on flip chart & feedback to the whole group
the single assessment process training resource SAP Care Coordinator Role 15 Group & Individual Exercise Care coordinator role What information do they need to be effective as a care coordinator? Development needs? Organisational changes? Culture changes?