ETCF is funded by the European Union The ETCF Chamber partnerships and the role of the ETCF team in their implementation Ms. Juliette Loppé & Mr. Werner Gruber ETCF project managers 13 January 2009 Istanbul
ETCF is funded by the European Union Overall objectif to strengthen the dialogue and co-operation between the Turkish Chambers and their counterparts in the EU and other candidate countries as members of civil society, through the establishment of long term partnerships between EU and Turkish Chambers of Commerce and Industry
ETCF is funded by the European Union Specific objectives To obtain adequate knowledge on core Chamber issues (management, services, communication) To increase understanding of EU business practices in Turkey, and vice versa Turkish business practise in the EU To foster opportunities for trade and investment
ETCF is funded by the European Union Some figures 22 partnerships 56 Chambers 34 Turkish chambers 22 Chambers from the EU or from EU candidate countries
ETCF is funded by the European Union Information on the actions Various themes: traditional capacity building support to women entrepreneurship vocational training support to local/regional investment promotion activities raising awareness within companies for intellectual property rights Implementation period: between 8 and 12 months Implementation in Turkey, the EU and candidates countries
ETCF is funded by the European Union Institutional framework CFCU: Contracting authority ETCF team: Support Unit
ETCF is funded by the European Union Who we are TOBB Mustafa Bayburtlu (Regional Coordinator) Werner Gruber (Regional Project Manager) Burcu Atilgan (Grant Scheme Expert) Merih Güney (Project Assistant) EUROCHAMBRES Dirk Vantyghem (Project Coordinator) Juliette Loppé (Project Manager) Sedef Subasi (Project Finance Manager)
ETCF is funded by the European Union Our role 1.Guidance and provision of information on procedures 2.Monitoring the implementation of your projects