Life Expectancy is 180 th in the World. Literacy Rate is 4 th in Africa
The Life Expectancy is 122th in the World The Literacy Rate is 16 th in Africa.
Life Expectancy is ranked 222 nd in the World Literacy Rate is 3 rd in Africa.
Life expectancy is ranked 172 nd Literacy rate is 33 rd in Africa.
Life Expectancy is 174 th in the World Literacy Rate is 20 th in Africa.
Life Expectancy is 190 th in the World, Literacy Rate is 19 th in Africa
Life Expectancy is 185 th in the World Literacy rate is 29 th in Africa
Life Expectancy is 215 th in the World Literacy rate is 5 th in the world
Life Expectancy is 86 th in the World Literacy rate is 10 th in Africa
Life Expectancy is 206 th in the World Literacy rate is 41 st in Africa
Life Expectancy is 212 th. Literacy rate 21 st
Life expectancy is 223 rd Literacy rate 51 st
Life Expectancy is 193 rd Literacy Rate 42 nd
Life Expectancy 203 rd Literacy rate is 25 th