ADB TA 7599-TAJ Climate Resiliency for Natural Resources Investments Climate Change in Tajikistan: Existing Capacity to Cope Institutional Capacity Tajikistan’s development is progressive but resources available for public investments are limited Lack of funding for services, equipment and training was a very common response from agencies Lack of technical education capacity in Tajikistan was mentioned regarding developing capacity for climate science and climate change management Low wages constrain careers in Government agencies and may make the developing private sector increasingly attractive Technical expertise (residual expertise?) is high in many sectors
ADB TA 7599-TAJ Climate Resiliency for Natural Resources Investments Climate Change in Tajikistan: Existing Capacity to Cope Institutional Capacity (continued) Disaster risk management expertise, especially at central level (CoES / IMAC) is high Private remittances are a critical support to the economy, both national and household, but result in an increased burden on women and the elderly At local level some lack of scientific knowledge of climate change may constrain development of adaptation Technical capacity in the energy and water sectors is high. Technical awareness in the agriculture and land sectors is high
ADB TA 7599-TAJ Climate Resiliency for Natural Resources Investments Climate Change in Tajikistan: Existing Capacity to Cope Institutional Capacity (continued) Support from NGOs and INGOs and the international community is valuable but needs to be better coordinated Private remittances provide support to national and household economies but annual labour migration leaves many households headed by (single) women with a disproportionate burden on farming, livelihoods falling on women and the elderly
ADB TA 7599-TAJ Climate Resiliency for Natural Resources Investments Climate Change in Tajikistan: Existing Capacity to Cope Physical Capacity There is insufficient physical capacity to: Detect the onset of climate hazards such as floods, mudflows, glacial lake outbursts and droughts Provide early warning to communities and infrastructure operators Operate and maintain existing irrigation, flood defence and road infrastructure Rehabilitate already damaged irrigation, flood defence and road infrastructure