Tativania Motto: Everyone is equal. Tatianna Bien- Aime
Location This country is located 24ºN & 75ºW. This country is located 24ºN & 75ºW.
Physical Geography Tativania has a tropical rainforest vegetation. It is an island surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean. They have deciduous leaves on land. On the mountains there is coniferous trees. The temper- ature varies from 80ºF (daily weather) to (daily weather) to 30ºF on top of the mountains. mountains.
National Flag This is the National Flag. The colors purple, blue, green, yellow and pink represents my favorite color. There are 9 boxes that represent the 9 states. 9 is my favorite number. The 9 countries are Micheland, Drakee, Purplex, Hello Kitles, Shore Jersey, Heart City, Miami, Coach Place and Tatown (capital).
Climate and Vegetation Climate is very tropical. My island is exactly on the Tropic of Cancer. My country is hot and humid. We have rainforest. The climate is wet. The weather is normally hot, in the 70’s, 80’ and occasionally the 90’s. Climate is very tropical. My island is exactly on the Tropic of Cancer. My country is hot and humid. We have rainforest. The climate is wet. The weather is normally hot, in the 70’s, 80’ and occasionally the 90’s. Landmarks: Mountains, Rain Forests, Rivers, & Grasslands. Landmarks: Mountains, Rain Forests, Rivers, & Grasslands.
Population There is about 1 million Tativanians. Most people live in the Ural and Urban areas. There is about 1 million Tativanians. Most people live in the Ural and Urban areas. There are a few cities and mainly houses on grasslands. The population is small. Because of the limited space, Tativanians stay together and rarely migrate. There are a few cities and mainly houses on grasslands. The population is small. Because of the limited space, Tativanians stay together and rarely migrate.
Culture Jobs: Mining, Construction, Farming, Landscaping, and a few city jobs. Jobs: Mining, Construction, Farming, Landscaping, and a few city jobs. Beliefs: Christianity Beliefs: Christianity Food: Caribbean, Hispanic, Jamaican and Haitian Food: Caribbean, Hispanic, Jamaican and Haitian Customs: Caribbean beliefs. Customs: Caribbean beliefs. Languages: English, Spanish and Creole Languages: English, Spanish and Creole Challenges: Adapting to hot weather, and limited choices in careers, lifestyle, etc. Challenges: Adapting to hot weather, and limited choices in careers, lifestyle, etc.
Economics We have a socialist economy. We have a socialist economy. Because of the mass supply of imports, State runs the basic industries. Because of the mass supply of imports, State runs the basic industries. The individual runs other companies, because of the small amount of exports. The individual runs other companies, because of the small amount of exports. We call our currencies, Yenom. We call our currencies, Yenom.
Social Structure Families are very important to Tativania. Families ranges 2 parents and 1-3 kids.
Politics We have a democracy system. It is controlled by 2 branches of government. We have a democracy system. It is controlled by 2 branches of government. Executive Executive –President: Can veto laws, create laws, Leader of Executive Branch. –Vice President: helps President in duties, Co- Leader of Executive Branch. Legislature Legislature –Congress: declares war, controls industries imports and exports, manages economy.
Country Map See Attachment. See Attachment.
Comparing 5 themes of Geography Movement: Movement: –Goods and products are imported/exported mainly through water and channels, because of Tativania’s location. Ideas are often traveled through technology in rural areas. Region: Region: –Food, languages, and customs are things that MOST families have in common.
5 themes continued Human-Environment: Human-Environment: –Deforestation is the main part of the changes in our environment. Location: Location: –The absolute location of Tativania is 24ºN & 75ºW. –The relative location of Tativania is South of The Bahamas and West of Turks and Caicos. Place: Place: –Tativania is different from other places, because of it’s weather (hot, humid), little rural and urban areas, and maximum amount of landscapes.
Bibliography Notes: Mr. Mendelson Notes: Mr. Mendelson