Jason Hass – Principal Jeff Tubbs – Assistant Principal
Scottsboro Jr. High School Facts Public Middle School which serves the city of Scottsboro, population 15,000 Community Advantages – Close-knit community which values education. SJHS Advantages – Hard-working, knowledgeable teachers, excellent faculty and staff rapport, well behaved students. Difficulties - Poverty rate is higher than the national average, unemployment rate is higher than the state and national average, lack of funding from State Legislature (Including a 25% cut of previous year contribution from the Jackson County Delegation in ). SJHS Disadvantages – Lack of access to technology for students (1.1 initiative), aging facilities (although adequate). SCOTTSBORO JR. HIGH SCHOOL
Scottsboro Jr. High School Discipline/Attendance/Grades (1 st Semester ) 119 total discipline referrals. 45 7 th grade referrals (14 SIR Offenses) 74 8 th grade referrals (22 SIR Offenses) (48 total SIR , 53 in ) 1826 Absences (3902 in ) 1316 Tardies (3145 in ) 113 F’s 1 st 9 weeks (48 F’s 1st 9 weeks in ) 1263 A’s 1 st 9 Weeks (1181 A’s 1 st 9 weeks in ) SCOTTSBORO JR. HIGH SCHOOL
Scottsboro Jr. High School ratings Schooldigger.com rates SJHS as a 3 star school (out of a possible 5 stars) Schooldigger ranks SJHS as 150 th out of 437 Middle Schools in Alabama Greatschools.com gives SJHS a 6/10 score. SCOTTSBORO JR. HIGH SCHOOL
Year Avg Math Score Avg Reading Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools AL State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating rd % st % st % th % th % nd % rd % nd % th % SCOTTSBORO JR. HIGH SCHOOL
Scottsboro Jr. High School Teacher Professional Development Content Literacy/ALSDE PD – Two Full Days, 2 Half Days Technology PD – (Promethean Board, APT+, Edmodo, Active Classroom, Global Scholar) CCRS Quarterly Meetings (3 Teachers) Advanced Courses PD with ALSDE 26 Teachers with 517 hours entered into STIPD since AUGUST! SCOTTSBORO JR. HIGH SCHOOL
Scottsboro Jr. High School Dedication Near 100% Lesson Plan submission = PROFESSIONALISM! $ in lost Textbook fees from , but adoption and implementation of Book-Tracks program in looks to drastically reduce losses. Improved School-Parent communication through Twitter(currently 83 followers), improved SJHS website participation, adoption of Remind101. Implementation of BETA Club tutoring. Implementation of Global Scholar student growth tracking program. Implementation of new RtI plan. SCOTTSBORO JR. HIGH SCHOOL
Scottsboro Jr. High School Poverty/Free and Reduced Lunch 56 students eligible for free school lunch(up from 50 in 2011 and 47 in 2012 only 32 in 2004!) 34 students eligible for reduced school lunch(36 in 2012). SCOTTSBORO JR. HIGH SCHOOL
Scottsboro Jr. High School Teaching Units SJHS has 26 Teachers, 2.5 Teachers Aides, one Counselor and two Administrators. In 2004 we had 30 Teachers! SCOTTSBORO JR. HIGH SCHOOL
Yet, test scores are improving. SCOTTSBORO JR. HIGH SCHOOL
ARMTStudents tested% met standard TestYearGradeSchoolDistrictStateSchoolDistrictState Mathematics20057th Grade209 59, Mathematics20067th Grade191 58, Mathematics20077th Graden/a Mathematics20087th Grade200 57, Mathematics20097th Grade212 56, Mathematics20107th Grade219 56, Mathematics20117th Grade197 57, Mathematics20127th Grade198 57, Mathematics20137th Graden/a TH GRADE MATH ARMT
Scottsboro Jr. High School ratings SJHS 8 th graders ranked 193 out of 437 in Math ARMT scores in 2012 83.88% of SJHS 8 th graders met state standards (state average was 77.43%) SCOTTSBORO JR. HIGH SCHOOL
Students tested% met standard TestYearGradeSchoolDistrictStateSchoolDistrictState Mathematics20058th Grade211 57, Mathematics20068th Grade208 56, Mathematics20078th Graden/a Mathematics20088th Grade204 57, Mathematics20098th Grade198 56, Mathematics20108th Grade212 55, Mathematics20118th Grade214 55, Mathematics20128th Grade193 56, Mathematics20138th Graden/a TH GRADE MATH ARMT
ARMTStudents tested% met standard TestYearGradeSchoolDistrictStateSchoolDistrictState Reading20057th Grade206 59, Reading20067th Grade192 58, Reading20077th Graden/a Reading20087th Grade200 57, Reading20097th Grade213 56, Reading20107th Grade219 56, Reading20117th Grade198 57, Reading20127th Grade197 57, Reading20137th Graden/a TH GRADE READING ARMT
ARMTStudents tested% met standard TestYearGradeSchoolDistrictStateSchoolDistrictState Reading20048th Grade218 55, Reading20058th Grade211 57, Reading20068th Grade206 56, Reading20078th Graden/a Reading20088th Grade205 57, Reading20098th Grade196 56, Reading20108th Grade212 55, Reading20118th Grade215 55, Reading20128th Grade193 56, Reading20138th Graden/a
ASAStudents tested% met standard TestYearGradeSchoolDistrictStateSchoolDistrictState Science20087th Grade195 55, Science20097th Grade210 54, Science20107th Grade211 55, Science20117th Grade196 55, Science20127th Grade198 57, Science20137th Graden/a TH GRADE SCIENCE ASSESSMENT
Scottsboro Jr. High School ratings SJHS 8 th graders took the ACT EXPLORE Test in October 2013 SJHS 8 th graders scored an average 15.2 Composite on the EXPLORE (National Avg. is 15.5) 21% of SJHS students score in the National Quartile 33% of SJHS students score in the 50-74% National Quartile 27% of SJHS students score in the 25-49% National Quartile 18% of SJHS students score in the 1-24% National Quartile SCOTTSBORO JR. HIGH SCHOOL
Scottsboro Jr. High School ratings SJHS 8 th graders took the ACT EXPLORE Test in October 2013 SJHS 8 th graders scored an average 14.2 (National Average is 14.7) in English 27% of SJHS students scored in the 75%-100% National Quartile in English 25% of SJHS students scored in the 50%-74% National Quartile in English 18% of SJHS students scored in the 25-49% National Quartile in English 30% of SJHS students scored in the 1-24% National Quartile in English 63% are at or above the benchmark (68% is National Average) in English SCOTTSBORO JR. HIGH SCHOOL
Scottsboro Jr. High School ratings SJHS 8 th graders took the ACT EXPLORE Test in October 2013 SJHS 8 th graders scored an average 15.0 (National Average is 15.5) in Math 32% of SJHS students scored in the 75%-100% National Quartile in Math 12% of SJHS students scored in the 50%-74% National Quartile in Math 25% of SJHS students scored in the 25-49% National Quartile in Math 31% of SJHS students scored in the 1-24% National Quartile in Math 32% are at or above the benchmark (36% is National Average) in Math SCOTTSBORO JR. HIGH SCHOOL
Scottsboro Jr. High School ratings SJHS 8 th graders took the ACT EXPLORE Test in October 2013 SJHS 8 th graders scored an average 14.7 (National Average is 14.6) in Reading 28% of SJHS students scored in the 75%-100% National Quartile in Reading 26% of SJHS students scored in the 50%-74% National Quartile in Reading 21% of SJHS students scored in the 25-49% National Quartile in Reading 25% of SJHS students scored in the 1-24% National Quartile in Reading 39% are at or above the benchmark (36% is National Average) in Reading SCOTTSBORO JR. HIGH SCHOOL
Scottsboro Jr. High School ratings SJHS 8 th graders took the ACT EXPLORE Test in October 2013 SJHS 8 th graders scored an average 16.4 (National Average is 16.6) in Science 35% of SJHS students scored in the 75%-100% National Quartile in Science 14% of SJHS students scored in the 50%-74% National Quartile in Science 27% of SJHS students scored in the 25-49% National Quartile in Science 24% of SJHS students scored in the 1-24% National Quartile in Science 35% are at or above the benchmark (37% is National Average) in Science SCOTTSBORO JR. HIGH SCHOOL
Despite increasing poverty, fewer teaching units, increasing enrollment, and decreasing funding…SJHS continues to provide an excellent educational opportunity for our students. Our students continue to show yearly improvement! SCOTTSBORO JR. HIGH SCHOOL