1. Do you have a picture of your wife in your wallet?... add 5 pts. 2. Is it the first picture in your wallet?... add 10 pts. 3. Do you call your wife from work at least once a day?... add 7 pts. 4. Once a week? … subtract 20 points. 5. Does your wife know your Internet password?... add 5 pts.
6. Does it contain any part of her name?... add 15 pts. 7. Do you leave the lid on the toilet seat up? … subtract 15 pts. 8. Do you own a minivan?... add 10 pts. 9. Does your wife drive a sportier car than you?... add 15 pts. 10. Do you drive the minivan while your wife drives the sports car?... add 25 pts.
11. Does your bedspread have flowers on it?... add 10 pts. 12. When you shop for something ‘nice’ for your wife, do you buy it from Victoria’s Secret? … add 20 points. 13. Do you buy it from Sears? … subtract 10 points. 14. Sears Hardware? … subtract 25 points. 15. Does your wife keep her paycheck while you share yours?... add 10 pts.
16. Do you do laundry as much or more than your wife does?... add 10 pts. 17. Do you go grocery shopping with your wife?... add 10 pts. 18. Do you know how to cook a casserole without using a cookbook?... add 5 pts. 19. Do you still own back issues of Sport’s Illustrated’s Swimsuit?... subtract 20 pts. 20. Have you ever forgotten your wedding anniversary?...subtract 10 points for every year.