Out-of-Order OpenRISC 2 semesters project Semester B: OR1200 ISA Extension Final B Presentation By: Vova Menis-Lurie Sonia Gershkovich Advisor: Mony Orbach Spring 2013
Content: 1. Project Overview a. Background b. Goals 2. The System: OR Project Flow a. Simulation Environment b. Out-of-Order Implementation c. Super Scalar implementation d. ISA Extension 4. Conclusions
Project Overview Background OpenRISC 1200 is an open source Verilog implementation of OR1000 ISA As a part A, we created basic working environment on XUPV5 board and SoC with OR1200 CPU
Project Overview Project Goal Initial Goal: Out-of-Order execution processor implementation based on OR1200 implementation Changed goal: Super Scalar processor implementation based on OR1200 implementation Final Goal ISA Extension Implementation for OR1200
MMU CPU QMEM OR1200 top IMMU DMMU 32 Cache ICache DCache 32 Store Buffer WBI Instruction WBIU Data WBIU 32 WB bus
1.Cache initialization function in assembly to enable cache. (WB Interface protocol require 3 cycles for each transaction – not effective for rtl analyze and implementation improvements ) 2.Simulation Environment Creation (Testbench) 3.Out-of-Order implementation – try 4.Super-Scalar implementation – try 5.ISA extension of current implementation Project Flow
Environment features: UART interface emulation Waveform generation One Makefile to: RTL Compilation Testbench instantiation C program compilation Run simulation Assembly code file creation XILINX ram initialization file Simulation Environment
Environment features: Advanced monitor: Monitoring all data and control transactions of SoC Monitoring states and SPRS values Creates log files with desired information: States of register file after each command Execution time analysis Simulation Environment
Fundamental statements (based on Tomasulu algorithm): Execution parallelism should be implemented !! Non-arch shadow registers implementation. In order commitment. (SW executes in order) Out of Order implementation – try ALU OR1200 IF GenPC OR1200 CTRL Except Freeze MAC LSU FPU SPRS CFGR OR1200 RF PC Next PC Operand MUX OR1200 top WB MUX CPU For LSU instruction parallelism –multiple ports memory and wider bus -multiple port Cache, QMEM and MMU Branch prediction is not necessary – delay slot at compiler level Multiple ALU – not effective solution ALU instructions executed in one cycle
Fundamental statements :. Still in-order commitment. Multiple execution should not affect SW in-order execution Non-parallel Fetch and Decode to avoid instructions dependencies. Super Scalar implementation – try Fetch and Decode units should be completely rewritten based on current implementation Exception engine should support 2 pipes – requires exception unit complete redesign Not all dependencies can be seen at fetch/decode stage LSU results may be required Multiple port SPRS should be implemented. Parallel LSU instruction execution in 2 pipes requires multiple port memories and wider bus
gcc OR1000 compiler and assembler support empty slots for custom ISA extension 8 non-parameter commands: l.cust1 l.cust2 l.cust3 l.cust4 l.cust6 l.cust7 l.cust8 1 highly parameterized command l.cust5 Rd, Ra, Rb, L immediate[5:0], K immediate [4:0] Allows 2048 !! commands which operates on 3 registers. ISA extension will not be used by compiler to generate assembly code from given C code, but gcc allows assembly commands use aside C code. ISA Extension – final goal
4 Non parameterized commands l.cust1 Set flag (unconditioned) l.cust2 Unset flag(unconditioned) l.cust3 Set carry(unconditioned) l.cust4 Unset carry (unconditioned) l.cust Commands Implementation
l.cust5 parameterized command : K immediate defines command, L immediate defines options K=0x1 Replaces A[L_byte] with B[0_byte] and put result in D K=0x2 SET bit A[L] (Result in D) K=0x3 UNSET bit A[L] (Result in D) l.cust Commands Implementation
l.cust5 parameterized command : K immediate defines command, L immediate defines options K=0x4 Slice A(MSB’s) and B(LSB’s) and put result in D >> D = {A[32-L:L], B[L-1:0]} K=0x5 Slice B(MSB’s) and A(LSB’s) and put result in D >> D = {B[32-L:L], A[L-1:0]} K=0x6 Rotate A >> D = A[0:31] l.cust Commands Implementation
l.cust5 parameterized command : K immediate defines command, L immediate defines options K=0x7 Rotate A by bit- Hword-wise >> D = {A[16:31], A[0:15]} K=0x8 Rotate A by bit- byte-wise >> D = {A[24:31], A[16:23], A[8:15], A[0:7]} K=0xa Check if A is even. If true D=1 and set flag else D=0 K=0xb Check if A is odd. If true D=1 and set flag else D=0 l.cust Commands Implementation
l.cust5 parameterized command : K immediate defines command, L immediate defines options K=0xe L=2: Rotate A 2bytes MSB’s with 2bytes LSB’s >> D = {A[15:0], A[31:16]} L=4: Rotate A byte-wise >> D = {A[7:0], A[15:8], A[23:16], A[31:24]} L=8: Rotate A Hbyte-wise >> D = {A[3:0], A[7:4], A[11:8], A[15:12], A[19:16], A[23:20], A[27:24],A[31:28]}; K=0xf L=0: Mirror LSB’s >> D = {A[0:15], A[15:0]} L=1: Mirror MSB’s >> D = {A[31:16], A[16:31]} l.cust Commands Implementation
ISA Extension – FPGA proven Test C program
ISA Extension – FPGA proven UART output
FPGA Utilization Old RTLNew RTL
Given implementation is not suitable for any significant u-Arch improvements Out-of-Order / Super-Scalar OR1200 implementations are possible but should be done from scratch. Written in assembly software can be easily optimized for specific application due to l.cust instructions (2048 instructions with 5 operands) Conclusions
Thank you!