Instructors CWO3 Michael Morales - 27 years U.S. Navy - 1st year Instructing NJROTC SCPO Rick Diaz - 22 years U.S. Navy - 7 years Instructing NJROTC CPO Oscar Reyes - 22 years U.S. Navy - 14 years Instructing NJROTC
Mission Statement “To instill in students the value of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment.” We are not a recruiting tool! However we will assist students in becoming the best they can be at whatever it is they want to be!
Events Hand Out Schedule We need your help to spread the word! Now here this!.....NJROTC is a great program that prepares your child for their future!
Teams (* denotes required teams) * Unarmed Drill Team or Armed Drill Team * Color Guard Air Rifle Team Academic Team Physical Fitness Team Orienteering Team
Weekly Schedule Monday Academics/Military Drill Tuesday Academics WednesdayInspection/Military Drill Thursday Academics Friday Physical Conditioning/Sport Sat/Sun Event Calendar Sunday Event Calendar ( my personal opinion is: do we need an official zero and ninth period; if we have dedicated team we can start them before first period or after 8 th period; also, if we can provide a structure of when these kids will practice so their parents are in tune, I would like to put the times here on this slide: I will post this presentation on our website for all to see.)
Weekly Schedule (after school 4:15-6:00) Note..We will prepare for specific events before or after school as necessary ie.
Parental Assistance Required Paperwork –Doctor’s Physical –Parental Release –Health risk screening Uniform Day –Wednesday (unless otherwise notified) Cadet Navy uniform tailoring only! (Spot Out Cleaners) –Friday PT Gear (uniform and t-shoes!) (do we want to establish a booster club????)
Fundraising Navy Funding Letter to Friends and Relatives! Donations
Trips Alburquerque NM San Diego CA Area 9 State competition
End of Year Report