By Nick Duffy and James Murphy Flow Chart Conclusion The red circle on the final composite suitability map above indicates the location of, what we found through our analyses, the most suitable park in Oakland to have a concert in the park. This park is Snow Park, located in Downtown Oakland on Lake Merritt. To find this park we highlighted in the attribute table the two highest suitability values, 11 and 12, to show the best of the best areas in Oakland. On top of that we draped our Oakland parks layer (parks > than 10,000 sq. meters, which are parks large enough for a mass concert) to pinpoint a park in the most suitable area. So, from our conclusions, we advise iWinq to plan its Concert in the Park nonprofit fundraiser and promotional event at Snow Park in Downtown Oakland. Client and Project Goal Our client is the Oakland-based nonprofit, iWinq. This organization hired us to locate the most suitable park in Oakland to host a “concert in the park”, which will serve as a promotional and fundraising event for a collection of small nonprofits based in Oakland, like iWinq. To find the most suitable park we will conduct a suitability analysis and a network analysis, and combine these two into a final comprehensive suitability analysis. The initial suitability analysis will concentrate on physical/geological aspects of parks and also their demographic associations, while the network analysis will focus solely on proximity to amenities. Network Analysis The network analysis was based off of three separate data layers: Oakland hospitals, fire stations, and mass transit stops. We solved for service areas for each of these layers, with the 6 impedance values of the meter equivalent to 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 miles (away from the amenity). The point of this analysis was to positively weight closeness to each of these amenities, which are crucial to have nearby for emergency reasons (hospitals and fire stations) and convenient transportation to the venue (mass transit). So, in a sense, close proximity to these amenities is an opportunity (positive weights) and farness from these amenities is a constraint (negative weights). The weighting scheme in each service area’s attribute table is as follows: 3,2,1,0,-1,-2 (with 3 being the closest to the amenity and -2 being the farthest away). We unioned each weighted service area layers into a final network analysis composite suitability layer – with a “total_wts” field consisting of the individual layer’s weight fields added together, and serving as the basis of our symbology/coloring scheme. Suitability Analysis Final Composite Suitability Analysis Map Concert in the Park! The Suitability analysis was used to incorporate physical and demographic characteristics of Oakland to help pinpoint an appropriate park to hold the concert. I created a Opportunities Map and Constraints Map to be merged into the Suitability Map. The opportunity layers include parks greater that 10,000 square meters, the land in Oakland furthest away from the Hayward Fault Line. Others include population density of over 20,000 people per census block area, and the median age of 40 because this age group will have the money to invest in local non-profits and have kids to come to the concert. The constraints layers include areas of violent crime (rape, murder, and kidnapping), others include close proximity to flood zones, liquefaction, landslides and the Hayward fault line. Also I used slope data to show that 16 degrees and up is undesired for a concert in the park. All these data layers were combined to create a suitability analysis map and together with the Network Analysis will help the organizers of the concert in the park find their location. Undesired Slope TED – Slope – Reclassify – Raster to Polygon Flood Zone Buffer Violent Crime Buffer Parks Geocode address Buffer Furthest from Hayward Fault Line Census Data Population Density > = 20,000 Buffer Liquefaction Buffer Census Data Median Age = 40 Buffer Constraints Opportunities Suitability Analysis Landslide Buffer Network Analysis (Process steps) Network Analyst, Service Area (3 separate times) Union all three layers, create “total_wts field, field calculator Alter symbology based off of weight field, green-yellow-red coloring Export polygon layer to save, add weight field, calc. weight scheme Layer properties, Impedance (6 values: 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 mi.) Load Locations (fire, hospital, & transit point layers) Solve Alter symbology based on “total_wts field, green-yellow-red coloring Final network suitability composite! Union Opportunities + Constraints Suitability Composite Map Close to Hayward Fault Line