MICE VC Alain Blondel 1 1. MOM is now Victoria 2. Linda Coney is new MICE Online Group coordinator (rep Jean-Sebastien) May we held a MICE cost and schedule review (organized by Andy Nichols) see agenda and presentations. Please note that this is an internal review and that the information contained in the talks is not "MICE-official"! Aim: prepare schedule for MICE MPB report on June 28. Reviewers: Marzio Nessi (CERN), Jim Kerby (FNAL), Phil Atkinson (DL) 4.Next boards MICE Project Board 28 June (see agenda enclosed) MICE Funding agency committee 14 July 5. MICE goals unchanged. Target tests in coming MPs. Commissioning and restart of MICE in MP run 27Jun-4Juy. 6. Next MICE collaboration meeting July 6-9, Oxford do register! 7. INSS school and NUFACT11 (see ) MICE VC June 2011
MICE VC Alain Blondel 2 Schedule review highlights 1.The EMR test run in July is confirmed (EMR has arrived!) 2.The full EMR data taking delayed to the winter period (February-March 2012) Step I May we held a MICE cost and schedule review (organized by Andy Nichols) see agenda and presentations. Please note that this is an internal review and that the information contained in the talks is not "MICE-official"! Aim: prepare schedule for MICE MPB report on June 28. Reviewers: Marzio Nessi (CERN), Jim Kerby (FNAL), Phil Atkinson (DL)
MICE VC Alain Blondel 3 Schedule review highlights 1.There is now a schedule and milestones for the spectrometer solenoids, the manpower has been considerably reinforced, decision on the quench protection system leaning to passive for the magnet, reinforced for the leads 2. The first AFC magnet has been wound and a schedule exists for commissioning at RAL in the fall of this year (2011) 3. the LH2 absorber number one is on its way to RAL from Japan. 4. the LH2 R&D is progressing well in the MICE hall, next milestone July 2011 with LHe filling, final results by the end of the solid absorbers are getting defined and the diffuser in construction at Oxford. 6. and as can be expected there is some head-scratching to do to dispatch efficiently all these activities between the MICE Hall/R9 at RAL Step IV
MICE VC Alain Blondel 4 Roy Preece
MICE VC Alain Blondel 5 Schedule review highlights 7. Controls and monitoring are taking shape -- this is becoming a real cornerstone and urgency of the experiment, volunteers are more than welcome to join, please get in touch with Pierrick Hanlet. 8. Software organization is evolving to a more structured and controlled environment -- help from every involved MICE is important Taking all into account, this leads to a new schedule of MICE step IV in time for the MPB on 28 June and final approval by MICE at the next collaboration meeting. Step IV (CTD)
6 MICE Top-Level Project Schedule Step IV Step V Step VI Revision date: 17 th June, 2011 Note: items in red text key schedule drivers Items in orange text are high risk items 6 Andy Nichols
7 STEP IV SubsystemDate Spectrometer solenoid #1 + #2June’12 Fibre tracker #1 + #2Ready Focus coil #1Sept’11 LH 2 system ADec ‘11 Solid absorber(s)June ‘12 Liquid absorberReady DiffuserJune’11 Virostek plateFeb. ‘12 Substation upgradeReady EMR installationDec’11 Radiation shutterJune ‘12 AFC Moving platform #1Nov’11 Step IV ready...Q3, 2012
8 Step IV running Can start running for cycle 2012/03 (2 October 2012) As will become apparent later STEP IV running is a parameter that is under our control -- Minimum program -- Liq H2 full and empty. -- solid absorbers LiH, plastic, aluminium, Titanium additional program (optional) -- Liq He -- other solids: Be, C, Cu -- totally empty AFC module change-over time: 8 working days between solids running time two weeks each configuration conclusion to be discussed: minimum program is 3 ISIS cycles (e.g. October till 24 March 2013) and full program is 5 ISIS cycle (i.e. until August 2013)
MICE VC Alain Blondel 9 Schedule review highlights 1.Main schedule driver is now RFCC module as full construction scheme of CC magnet is still under discussion. 2. thus we are not ready to commit to a step V schedule 3. There is a hard date: next ISIS long shut down is August 2014-April There is considerable progress in the understanding of the RF power and installation 5. Punchline: from the moment where both A. Step IV running is complete B. The RFCC module is delivered at RAL it will take one full year to prepare the experiment to step V. 6. executive policy to be proposed IFF the step IV running is in the way of installation of step V we should give priority to step V Step V
MICE VC Alain Blondel 10 SCENARIO I IF RFCC module can be delivered to RAL before April 2013 then we can achieve significant running of Step V before the long shut down We will now investigate with US colleagues how realistic this can be Otherwise we may consider other strategy. (even going directly to step VI)
11 STEP V is conditionned by RFCC module SubsystemDate Step IV data-taking completeQ Absorber Focus Coil #2Q LH2 system BQ RF AmplifiersQ RF InfrastructureQ Successful test of first CC coilQ RFCC #1Q AFC Moving platform #2Q RFCC Moving platform #1Q ISIS Long shutdown startAug 2014 ISIS Long shutdown endFeb 2015 Step V ready... Q2, 2014