Blended Sea Surface Temperature EnhancementsPolar Winds Blended Hydrometeorological Products Blended Total Ozone Products are derived by tracking cloud features Polar tropospheric wind data are assimilated in numerical weather prediction models to improve model forecasts and can also improve hurricane track forecasts Products include wind speed, direction, and height at high latitudes Coverage: Poleward of 70 degrees latitude, in cloudy areas only Recently transitioned S-NPP VIIRS polar winds into operations Blended total ozone products are used to monitor long-term ozone trends and the Antarctic ozone hole Total ozone is generated by blending infrared and ultraviolet data Coverage: Global and Southern and Northern Hemisphere Views Recently enhanced to include S-NPP CrIS ozone data and provides a significantly more accurate tropospheric ozone estimate S-NPP’s VIIRS data over the Arctic and Antarctic are used to generate polar winds. Tom Schott NESDIS/OSGS Stacy Bunin Noblis Bonnie Reed Science & Technology Corporation Blended Soil Moisture Products The National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) supports research to operations efforts that result in improved weather forecasts, assist in monitoring of Earth’s climate and oceans, and provide timely access to atmospheric, oceanic, and land surface satellite data. Products are generated from domestic and international polar-orbiting and geostationary satellites to satisfy end user requirements. New and enhanced products from existing satellite systems and new products from new satellite systems are generated as operational user requirements are identified and validated and product development resources are secured. This poster describes the research to operations process, shows recent examples of product development efforts that have successfully transitioned from research to operations, and highlights some products that are currently in the transition process. POES MTSAT (Japan) GCOM-W1 (Japan) Satellite Ground System Operational Processing Users/Archive Meteosat (European) S-NPP GOES-E MetOp GOES-W DMSP Tropical Cyclones The Satellite Products and Services Review Board (SPSRB) process provides operational users of satellite data a means to identify their data needs o New or improved satellite products are identified when a user submits a user request or when scientific agencies identify maturing satellite product development that provides significant benefits o Product development begins after a user requirement is validated and resources are identified o Integrated product team (IPT) is established and consists of members from the research, operations, and user communities Product development efforts that transition to operations include o Continuity products for replacement satellites o New and enhanced capabilities from existing satellite systems o New products from new satellite systems Research to Operations Process Blended Snow and Ice Cover Enhancements Products include blended snow cover, ice cover, snow depth, and ice thickness approximation. They are used as an input to global and mesoscale weather and seasonal climate forecast models for improved forecasts. Blended snow and ice products are generated using data from a variety of polar-orbiting and geostationary satellites, as well as non-satellite sources Coverage: Global (snow/ice cover) and Northern Hemisphere (snow depth, ice thickness) Products have been enhanced to use S-NPP VIIRS data and to improve the accuracy and resolution (1-km) of snow and ice cover Blended 4-km snow depth Sea surface temperature (SST) products support ocean monitoring as an input to ocean models. They are also used in mesoscale oceanography in the identification of fronts and eddies. SST products are blended with data from polar- orbiting and geostationary satellites. Coverage: Global Higher resolution S-NPP VIIRS data has been incorporated into the blended SST product. VIIRS allows more data to be acquired in areas of broken clouds. Solar Radiation Product Suite Enhancements Products are generated in support of coral reef monitoring and numerical weather prediction Surface solar radiation products now include new daily blended products using data from all geostationary satellites: shortwave downward surface radiative flux (insolation) and visible downward surface radiative flux (PAR) Resolution has increased from 14 km to 4 km Coverage has been extended to West Pacific, East Indian, and West Atlantic Oceans Daily Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) Green Vegetation Fraction Used as an input to land surface models to provide enhanced characterization of the surface, resulting in improved forecasts of near-surface winds, temperature, and humidity Products provide the fraction of a pixel covered by green vegetation Coverage: Global Transitioned green vegetation fraction products from S- NPP VIIRS data into operations GVF comparison from AVHRR (top) with a 16-km resolution and VIIRS (bottom) with a 4-km resolution Products assist forecasters in identifying the location of heavy precipitation for use in flood guidance and to determine the transfer of moisture from ocean to land Hydrometeorological products include total precipitable water (TPW), rain rate, and TPW anomalies, which show the departure from climatology and how unusual a moisture field is Products are generated from a variety of microwave sources and blended into one image. They are being enhanced to add S- NPP ATMS data and data from GCOM- W1’s AMSR2 Coverage: Global Products are assimilated into forecast models and are used to help forecast flash floods and the status of agricultural crops Generated by blending retrievals from the Coriolis, MetOp, and the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) missions Coverage: Global land surface Product is being upgraded to include data from GCOM-W1 AMSR2 The Ensemble Tropical Rainfall Potential (eTRaP) product provides an estimate of rain rates from land-falling tropical cyclones The eTRaP products blend data from a variety of polar-orbiting and geostationary satellites Tropical cyclone intensity products are used to estimate and forecast the radii of winds to give guidance to hurricane forecasters Tropical cyclone products are being upgraded to include S-NPP ATMS data DATE/TIMELATLONCLASSIFICATIONSTORM 23/2332 UTC12.7S133.5EOVERLANDNATHAN 23/1732 UTC11.7S133.7ET2.0/3.0NATHAN 23/1132 UTC11.5S134.1ET2.5/3.5NATHAN 23/0532 UTC11.6S134.4ET3.5/4.0NATHAN Other Near-Term Products Space weather ̵ Magnetopause crossing detections using GOES and ACE data Clouds for National Weather Service ̵ Gridded cloud products: cloud phase, cloud top height, cloud liquid water path, cloud ice water path, cloud maximum ̵ Composites and mosaics using polar and geo data Atmosphere ̵ Outgoing longwave radiation using S-NPP data ̵ Ozone limb profiles using S-NPP data ̵ Global biomass burning emissions using polar and geo data ̵ Ensemble tropical rainfall potential using S-NPP data Land Surface Evapotranspiration and drought using GOES data Vegetation health using S-NPP data