plate tectonics Why do we care? Tectonic plates Plate interactions How did we figure this out? Hazards
plate tectonics – Why do we care?
plate tectonics plate tectonics
The mechanism for moving plates: R: L: slab pull
plate tectonics How do tectonic plates interact? Plates can: 1) diverge 2) converge and subduct 3) converge and collide 4) slip past one another 5) move over stationary plumes
plate tectonics How do tectonic plates interact? Tectonic plates can: 1) diverge at a mid ocean ridge OR within a continent:
plate tectonics How do tectonic plates interact? Tectonic plates can: 1) diverge at a mid ocean ridge OR within a continent: East African Rift Valley – (courtesy USGS)
plate tectonics rifting 30 mya & 17 mya
plate tectonics Our very own San Luis Valley is part of the Rio Grande Rift System rifting 30 mya & 17 mya
plate tectonics How do tectonic plates interact? Tectonic plates can: 2) subduct
12 plate tectonics
How do tectonic plates interact? Tectonic plates can: 3) collide A continental collision between the Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plate
plate tectonics How do tectonic plates interact? Tectonic plates can: 4) slip past one another
plate tectonics How do tectonic plates interact? Tectonic plates can: 5) move over stationary plumes
plate tectonics How do tectonic plates interact? Tectonic plates can: 5) move over stationary plumes
plate tectonics How do tectonic plates interact? Tectonic plates can: 5) move over stationary plumes
plate tectonics How do we know that continents drift?
plate tectonics Alfred Wegener
"Utter, damned rot!" said the president of the prestigious American Philosophical Society. "If we are to believe [this] hypothesis, we must forget everything we have learned in the last 70 years and start all over again," said another American scientist. Anyone who "valued his [or her] reputation for scientific sanity" would never dare support such a theory, said a British geologist. 20 Alfred Wegener Quotes from plate tectonics
Alfred Wegener 1. continental margins fit together precisely
plate tectonics Alfred Wegener 2. mountain belts fit together
plate tectonics Alfred Wegener 3. fossilized plants and dinosaur fossils fit together
plate tectonics More evidence: seafloor spreading 1. seafloor ridges and trenches Peru-Chile Trench Mid-Atlantic Ridge
plate tectonics More evidence: seafloor spreading 2. curious pattern in earthquake locations
plate tectonics More evidence: seafloor spreading 3. symmetrical pattern of magnetic polarity on either side of seafloor ridges (magnetic reversal)
plate tectonics More evidence: seafloor spreading 4. progressively older crust away from seafloor ridges
Hazards 1)Volcanoes 2)Earthquakes
Hazards 1) Volcanoes – gasses – carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, fluorine – lava flows – not so dangerous, but some move at 15 mph – eruptions – bombs, ash, dust into atmosphere – pyroclastic flows – very deadly, hot gas, ash, rock moving 100 mph + – lahars – very deadly – a grave concern in Pacific Northwest
Photo courtesy United States Geological Survey (USGS), photographer D. Harlow Pinatubo, June 1991
volcanism Mt St. Helens, May 1980
Figure from USGS “This Dynamic Earth”:
Figure from
Figure from
41 Tacoma, WA
43 Pinatubo ash fall in cm.
Sept. 15, 2015
Hazards 2) Earthquakes (releases of stored elastic strain along a faults) – Ground shaking / building collapse – Fires – Landslides – Tsunamis
Some horrific earthquakes 1201, Egypt / Syria, 1.1 million killed 1556, China, 830,000 killed 1923, Japan, 200,000 killed 1976, China, 655,000 killed 2001, Western India, 21,000 killed 2003, SE Iran, 31,000 killed 2004, Indian Ocean, 300,000 killed 2005, Pakistan, 100,000 killed 2008, China, 70,000 killed 2010, Haiti region, 223,000 killed 2011, Japan, 18,000 killed 2015, Nepal, 9,000 killed 46
Loma Prieta, CA
San Francisco Earthquake and Fire: 3,000 deaths 24 ft. of lateral slip!
Hebgen Lake, Montana
2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami 51 Image source:
impact on Banda Aceh
impact on Banda Aceh
impact on Banda Aceh
impact on Banda Aceh
Plate Tectonics Outline Why do we care? Tectonic plates Plate interactions How did we figure this out? Hazards
62 2.1MY 1.3MY 0.64MY
From USGS Publication: Truth, fiction, and everything in between at Yellowstone