Definition: the delivery of instruction to students who are separated from their teacher by time and/or location Also called: distributed learning, virtual classrooms
Mid-1800s 1920s Today
Gets rid of the cost of transportation Allows a flexible schedule Allows you to focus better because you choose when and where to attend the class.
No missed days to due weather. No missed days due to illness on your part OR the instructors. Less stress; cheaper alternative to an actual campus.
Disconnect between students and teacher Disconnect between students Schedule differences Technology problems
Purpose: The purpose of the study was to explore the effectiveness of distance learning for gifted students and to compare the outcomes for students in different age groups.
A+ = 4.33 A = 4.00 A- = 3.67 B+ = 3.33 B = 3.00 B- = 2.67 C+ = 2.33 C = 2.00
Traditional ClassroomDistance Learning Class Step 1: Ready Students Ask questions to determine whether content needs to be reviewed Review content as needed Prepare a pretest so students can self-assess whether they have the necessary previous content. Make review materials available.
Traditional ClassroomDistance Learning Class Step 2: Target Specific Objectives Select target objective for lesson. Prepare students by explaining what they will be able to do as a result of the lesson. Respond to student’s questions about the lesson. Post the target objective in a location student will notice. Explain the objective in detail, since there may be a time delay if students have a question. Articulate how questions should be asked and will be responded to.
Traditional ClassroomDistance Learning Class Step 3: Prepare the Lesson Decide how your classroom needs to be arranged for particular lesson. Write notes for yourself as to how you will accomplish each step of the lesson. Select and set up the materials, media, and technologies needed and decide how they will be used by you and by the students. Decide upon assessments for the lesson and select materials and means for implementation. Create content modules so that students have manageable materials to work with. For each module, sequence each step of the lesson and provide a detailed explanation to the student for how to proceed through each step. Prepare all materials with detailed instructions for their use and include them in the students’ modules. Arrange for all media to be made available to students. Arrange for technologies to be available to students who do not have access. Provide students with detailed procedures for accessing and using media and technologies. Prepare assessments well in advance. Make arrangements for proctoring, and communicate procedures for assessment to students.
What is MarineNet? A distance learning enterprise network which delivers electronic courseware and interactive multimedia instruction to marines around the globe.
Anyone with a military ID card can access and use MarineNet, as long as they are in the DEERS database. (Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System) Includes, veterans, retirees, reserve, active duty and family members.
1167 Projects, 18,534 Teachers, and 586 Resources (as of November 4, 2011) Collaborate Connect Discover
How to Use It › Social Studies › English › Foreign Language › Geography
US Department of Education: › 4.3 Million students took at least one distance learning course in › $800,000 (4%) of all undergraduates took their entire program through distance education. › 22% of all US students with bachelors degress – 760,000 of them – took distance learning courses › 302,000 took entire program online, 4.2% of all life science students took their entire program through distance learning.