Status of H-mode confinement Database by K. Thomsen The International Global H-mode Confinement Database: Storage and Distribution Fusion Engineering and Design 60 (2002) The development of a two-term model for the confinement in ELMy H-Modes using the Global Confinement and Pedestal Databases (based on DB3V10 and DB3V10X) Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 44 (2002) A429-A435 Multi-Machine Global Confinement and H-mode Threshold Analysis IAEA 2002 (J. Snipes) A Two Term Model of the Confinement in ELMy H-modes using the Global Confinement and Pedestal Databases IAEA 2002 (JG Cordey)
New Server and Address Windows 2000 Advanced Server MS SQL Server 7 Enterprise Edition Internet Information Server 5 or HmodePublic Calls to get redirected FTP Server Old Server was shut down 14 th October 2002
Progress in Data documentation Review sheets Normal level of acuracy List of Variables Data descriptions Progress on Nuclear Fusion Paper
Review Sheets
Normal Level of Accuracy
Description of Data
Working versions DB3V11 JFT-2M new ELMy H-mode data point AUG revised version of new data JET revised version of new data JT-60U revised version of new data MAST new ELMy H-mode data (no TAUTH yet) Hdb3v11_Pdb3v2 Pedestal database extract that corresponds to data in DB3v11 Not official version – JET, JFT-2M and MAST data not in PDB3v2 yet DB3V11 and Hdb3v11_Pdb3v2 available from sql server and secure web pages sql server: