+ Clowns Early Childhood Education Kelsie Cannon
+ Objectives/Standards Standard 1: Information and Communication Skills 21C.O.PK-2.1.LS.1 – Student uses text, people and electronic sources to locate information for classroom assignments and is able to identify the author and purpose for each source located 21C.O.PK-2.1.LS.2 – Student can accurately interpret and create simple visuals and use this information to solve problems and communicate information 21C.O.PK-2.1.LS.3 – Student articulates thoughts and ideas, representative of real and imaginary experiences, clearly and effectively through oral, written or multimedia communication
+ Objectives/Standards Standard 2: Thinking and Reasoning Skills 21C.O.PK-2.2.LS.1 – Student engages with teacher assistance in a critical thinking process by conducting basic evaluations using simple criteria. 21C.O.PK-2.2.LS.3 – Student engages in a problem solving process using objects to solve problems and demonstrates learning by explaining how they solved the problem.
+ Objectives/Standards Standard 3: Personal and Workplace Skills 21.C.O.PK-2.3.LS.1 – Student manages negative emotions, aligns his/her goals to the goals of others, and works cooperatively and productively with others in small groups 21.C.O.PK-2.3.LS.4 – Student knows the difference between right and wrong, is accepting of others in work and play groups, and shows regard for peers and adults within the school by keeping work, play and public areas clean and organized
+ Day 1-2: Emotions Day 1 Define Different people have different feelings Video on feelings and how to treat other people Faces chart of emotions Review
+ Day 1-2: Emotions Day 2 Review from yesterday Class discussion about how to tell what someone is feeling Smart board assignment
+ Day 3-4: Colors Day 3 Review colors What colors create other colors Coloring assignment
+ Day 3-4: Colors Day 4 Review colors Color identification smart board clown assignment
+ Day 5-7: Numbers DAY 5: Review numbers and counting DAY 6: Practice worksheet DAY 7: Review numbers Oral numbers evaluation quiz
+ Day 8-9: Mazes Day 8 Define maze Class discussion on how to solve a maze View examples of mazes
+ Day 8-9: Mazes Day 9 Review mazes Divide children into groups to help each other solve maze
+ Day 10: Survey Assignment Review emotions, colors, numbers, and mazes Clicker assignment
+ Assessment Emotions assignment – 10 pts Numbers evaluation – 20 pts Coloring assignment – 15 points Color matching and identification – 100 pts Maze assignment – 20 pts Survey (clicker) assignment – 100 pts Class participation – 15 pts
+ Conclusion Analyze, integrate, evaluate, create information using technology skills and communicate information Analyze and solve complex problems using appropriate technology tools and reasoning Leadership, ethical behavior, respect, responsibility, initiative, positive interaction