Entry Task- on the provided paper Today you will need: journal, SpringBoard text, writing utensil, highlighter. Grab the paper from the middle of the table and fill out your decision about which assessment you plan on completing for this unit and why. Entry Task- on the provided paper
Terms to know Irony- requires that you understand expectations, and how an author can manipulate that. Foreshadowing- authors use foreshadowing to give hints to the reader about the outcome, or to create a sense of tension in the story. Often these hints are easy to spot only after reading the complete story and going back. Symbol: an image that is not only part of the story, but also holds figurative meaning.
As you read As you read through the text, highlight and annotate it: focusing on symbols, irony and point of view. For your annotations, do not just list what the symbol is, or that the section is ironic; explain what the symbol can possibly represent in terms of meaning, or why the section is ironic.
Write- number your responses, but use the My Notes sections throughout the story. In Chunk 1, why did Rosaura’s mother seem so negative about her attending the birthday party? Respond with textual evidence. How does Rosaura’s delight and pride in serving the orange juice, hot dogs and cake, establish Senora Ines’s attitude toward Rosaura, and how might they foreshadow events to come? What does Rosaura expect at the end of the party? Why? How is this section an example of situational irony?
With your group What is the effect of the point of view for this story? How is it limited? How is is an effective point of view? Look back through the events of the story and discuss what incidents foreshadow Senora Ines’s final action. This story has a central image that may be used symbolically. Identify the image that is introduced at the beginning, appears in the middle, and ends the story. Then discuss how this image can be interpreted symbolically.
Individually Write a theme statement for this story. Remember a theme statement is NOT A topic A summary A moral Specific to only the situation in the story. Remember a theme IS A general statement about life: “people show their love for each other by making sacrifices for the ones they love.”
Homework Read the story “The Cask of Amontillado” which begins on page 117 of your SpringBoard text. If you’re taking the text home: annotate for literary elements (plot, characterization, and setting) If you will using SpringBoard online, take notes about plot, setting and characterization.