The Many Uses of Goats Goats are useful to humans both alive and dead They provide milk, fiber, meat, and leather/hide Goats are also used for packing and driving purposes Milk can be derived from goats, which can be made into cheese and butter.
Goat Meat Goat meat is very popular in many cultures. Goat meat can also be referred to as mutton. The meat is popular in the Middle East, South Asia, Africa, northeastern Brazil, the West Indies, and Belize Other parts of the goat are also edible including organs like the liver and brain.
Domestication Goats were some of the earliest domesticated animals. Goat remains have been found at archeological sites in western Asia such as Jericho, Choga, Mami, and Cayonu Domestication of goats is set between 6000 and 7000 B.C. Goats can easily revert to feral or wild condition given the chance.
Common Breeds Angora Boer Nigerian Dwarf Spanish White Short-Haired British Alpine Brown Short-Haired
Bibliography Goathttp:// Goat aticFiles/animals/images/800/mountain-goat.jpg aticFiles/animals/images/800/mountain-goat.jpg pg pg content/uploads/2007/09/goat.jpg content/uploads/2007/09/goat.jpg