Answer Key Graph # 1 - The graph is misleading because the lower part of the vertical axis is missing, the differences in prices are exaggerated. Graph # 2 – If you look at the scale for each graph you will notice that the April graph goes from 54 to 66 and the May graph goes from 68 to 80 Graph # 3 - The scale goes from $0 to $80, and then increases by $5 Graph # 4 - The scale does not start at zero. Graph # 5 – The scale does not start at zero and the intervals on the scale are not evenly spaced. Graph # 6 – Although the vertical scale starts at 0, it does not go up in even steps. This distorts the graph, and makes it look as though the biggest jump is between 1 and 2, rather than 3 and 4. Also, there are no labels on the axes, so we have no idea what this graph represents! Graph # 7 – This 3D bar chart might look very attractive, but it is also very misleading. There is no scale on the vertical axis and, because of the perspective, it looks as though sales for 1995 were far greater than those for any other year. In fact, they were identical to those in Graph # 8 – The graph makes it appear that the community center had more volunteers in the past than now. Graph # 9 – The graph is a line graph and line graphs should show change over time. This graph has categorical data on the x axis. Graph # 10 – On this pictogram, there is no category for people who do not own a pet. The pictures are different sizes, and it appears that more people own a horse than any other animal.
Why is this graph misleading? Graph # 1
Why are these graphs misleading? Graph # 2
Why is this graph misleading? Graph # 3
Why is this graph misleading? Graph # 4
Why is this graph misleading? How I spend my day Graph # 5
Why is this graph misleading? Graph # 6
Why is this graph misleading? Graph # 7
Why is this graph misleading? Graph # 8
Why is this graph inappropriate? Graph # 9
Why is this graph misleading? Graph # 10