Veteran Service Organization ‘Officers Day’ December 3, 2010 Enrollment Eligibility
Overview Basic qualifications Information needed to complete a registration Vision Dental Changes
Veterans Period of Service Prior to November 7, 1980 After November 7, 1980
Exceptions to 24 month rule Early Outs Hardships Disability
Discharges Meets Qualifications Honorable Under Honorable Conditions General Does-Not Meet Qualifications Other Than Honorable Dishonorable Uncharacterized
Has the veteran used VA health care? Enrolled prior to January 16, 2003 with continual use Enrolled prior to 1996 and not used Enrolled after January 16, 2003
Income Qualification after 03’ Means/income test Two different income thresholds Means Threshold (MT) Geographical Means Threshold (GMT) 10% above MT/GMT allowed MT/GMT determines qualification Above MT/GMT not qualified Below MT/GMT qualified
Means Test Formula Gross household income Minus non-reimbursed medical expenses Minus pre-paid funeral/burial expenses Minus educational expenses Equals allowable amount for MT/GMT
Means tests MT/GMT determines… Qualifications for health care Priority Group placement (5, 7 and 8) Co-Pay thresholds Visits Medications
Veterans not subject to 2003 guidelines: Purple Heart recipients Prisoners of War OEF/OIF (for 5 years post discharge) Service Connected Veterans with 10% or higher disability
Veterans not subject to 2003 guidelines: Service Connected veterans 0% Enrolled prior to 16 January 2003 with continual use Enrolled prior to 1996 and not used Enrolled after 16 January 2003 Vietnam Veterans Boots on ground Brown Water Blue water
Needed Items to Enroll/Register 10-10EZ- Application For Health Care Benefits DD-214/Discharge Papers (WWII) Knowledge of Gross Annual Incomes Knowledge of Non-reimbursed medical expenses Knowledge of Assets Insurance Card(s)
How to Enroll/Register In person By Mail Internet By phone Previously enrolled veterans Transfers 10% or higher Service Connected
Priority Groups: a, 8b, 8c, 8d, 8e, and 8g
Hardships Case by Case basis Bridge a Gap Catastrophic Qualified Otherwise
Dental Qualifications %-Unemployable 100% Permanent and Total Emergency/Humanitarian Dental Trauma Veterans released from Active Duty/Activation Service of 90 days Register within 180 days DD214 annotates no dental
Dental Qualifications POW’s Chapter 31 Medical Inpatient Homeless
Vision and Hearing Categories 1-5 Categories 6-8
Important Things to Remember Veterans Laws