Presented by: Heidi Gifford Nikki Sorenson Amanda Carter Tamara Da Silva Ricky Garside CIS 1020 – 041 Spring 2009
Prepared Exclusively For: President Bioteau Salt Lake Community College
Stair climbing Related Injuries Sweating Profusely Back Packs Overloaded Five Flights of Stairs too Much
Chronic back pain Neck Pain Shoulder Pain Poor Posture
Strain on muscles to carry visual aids to class Heavy paperwork and books must be carried to and from classes Professors are generally older, therefore, they suffer more than most students
Benefits of Escalators Student Punctuality Reduced Student Health Costs Reduced back pain and injuries Reduced knee and shoulder ailments Students Able to Enroll in More Classes Escalators are more time efficient than stairs Less Stress from hauling heavy backpacks Increased Revenue From Additional Classes Taken by Students
BeforeAfter (Scale 1 to 10: 10 Being High) Student Happiness29.5 Professors Sanity310 Quality of Student Work18 Medical Expenses102
SeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryTotals Labor$57,500$88,500$94,000$50,250$40,175$330,425 Supplies$18,934$23,757$86,243$53,853$36,275$219,062 Escalator $153,000 Totals$76,434$112,257$333,243$104,103$76,450$702,487
September Construction begins Remove existing stairs October Additional framing Drywall started and completed November Paint and patch walls December Installation of escalators Completion of project
Salt Lake Community College on cutting edge of quality campus Happier and healthier students Professor job satisfaction Increased revenue for college