Module 2 Lesson 29 Solve division word problems involving multi-digit division with group size unknown and the number of groups unknown.
5.NBT.7 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used. Common Core Standards
Learning Targets I can solve division word problems involving multi-digit division with group size unknown and the number of groups unknown.
Activate Knowledge 1 liter = ___ mL
Activate Knowledge 1 ft = ___ in
Activate Knowledge 1 kg = ___ g
Activate Knowledge 1 lb = ___ oz
Activate Knowledge 1 gal = ___ qts
Activate Knowledge 1 m = ___ cm
Activate Knowledge liters = ___ ml
Activate Knowledge kg = ___ g
Activate Knowledge 8 ft = ___ in
Activate Knowledge 0.09 kg = ___ g
Activate Knowledge 2.1 m = ___ cm
Activate Knowledge m = ___ cm
Activate Knowledge 8.61 ÷ 21
Activate Knowledge 4.9 ÷ 14
Activate Knowledge 24 ÷ 16
Activate Knowledge A one-year (52-week) subscription to a weekly magazine is $ Greg calculates that he would save $ if he subscribed to the magazine instead of purchasing it each week at the store. What is the price of the individual magazine at the store?
Learn RDW Read the problem carefully Draw a model Can you draw something? What? What conclusions can you make from your drawing Solve and write a statement Assess the solution for reasonableness
Learn What operation?
Learn 4589 What operation? 226
Learn What operation? 246
Learn What operation?
Learn Problem 1 Lamar has 1,354.5 kilograms of potatoes to deliver to 18 stores. 12 of the stores are in the Bronx. How many kilograms of potatoes will be delivered to stores in the Bronx?
Learn Problem 2 Valerie uses 12 oz of detergent each week for her laundry. If there are 75 oz of detergent in the bottle, in how many weeks will she need to buy a new bottle of detergent? Explain how you know.
Learn Problem 3 The area of a rectangle is m 2. If the length is 16 m, what is its perimeter?
Learn Problem 4 A city block is 3 times as long as it is wide. If the total distance around the block is 0.48 kilometers, what is the area of the block in square meters?
Learn Review Practice Activate Knowledge ✔ Check Understanding Teamwork Learning Targets