LEARNING OBJECTIVE I will be able to differentiate a lesson to provide for the needs of all learners.
LEARNING OUTCOMES ALL- Understand the need to differentiate and identify strategies to support EAL, SEN and G and T pupils MOST – Be able to plan lessons which incorporate different learning needs and learning styles SOME- Plan lessons that include personalised learning
Starter ODD ONE OUT Work in pairs Find the odd one out from each list
WHO DO WE NEED TO DIFFERENTIATE FOR? TASK: In pairs list as many learning needs we need to consider when we plan a lesson
WHO DO WE NEED TO DIFFERENTIATE FOR? TASK: Under each heading write the names of pupils you teach that may fall into that category
Gifted and Talented/ Higher Ability Pupils in this range need to be stretched otherwise they may get bored or de- motivated to learn. Identify the learning outcome for these pupils Have alternative activities/tasks Have extension activities for these pupils Utilise these pupils to lead learning Allow for open ended/independent tasks
EAL Pupils Pupils in this group may need some language support. Some of these pupils may also be G and T or may have SEN so you may need to include these elements. Identify the learning outcome for these pupils Have translation sheets Pair with a ‘buddy’ Provide a dictionary Produce differentated material with less demand on language skills
VAK Pupils may be Visual, Auditory or Kinaesthetic Learners. Do you know what are your pupils learning styles? Ensure you have elements of all of these in your lessons.
SEN This covers a broad range of needs. SEN may be physical, mental or emotional
SEN Dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, anger management, Autistic Spectrum, ADHD, ADD, Sight impairment, Hearing Impairment, Speech difficulties, physical disability, medical condition, BESD,
Types of Differentiation Differentiation by outcome Differentiation through pace Differentiation by change of task/activity Differentiation by altering tasks or activities Differentiation through support
Strategie s What are strategies for differentiating a lesson? How do teachers differentiate a lesson by changing the content? How do teachers differentiate a lesson by changing the process? How do teachers differentiate a lesson by changing the product?
LEARNING OBJECTIVE I will be able to differentiate a lesson to provide for the needs of all learners.