Welcome to Global Studies! Grab a seat and wait for Mr. Blanchard Take a look at the Question of the day!
Mr. Blanchard My Turn
Global Studies? Study of Western Hemisphere Looking at Geography, culture, and history North America, South America, Central America, West Indies, and Antarctica Projects, group work, individual work, and reports Extra Credit by request only 3 ring binder and loose leaf paper with a folder
Expectations You are responsible for your actions Come to class right when the bell rings, then go to the bathroom, get a drink, etc. You will be counted tardy. 4 tardies = detention Be ready for class Do not talk when I am talking Help keep the room clean Make a conscience effort to exhibit the LLG, and LS. I care
How to take notes Abbrev. if pos. Heading at the top of section Separate the different ideas Write neatly Be prepared Don’t be afraid to use more paper
Take out your notebook and something to write with Turn to the last page
How to get an A Exhibit the Life Skills in my presence Be here, on time Hand in your work Pay attention or keep to yourself Study your terms and notes for tests Write neatly or type Use a pencil, blue or black pen
How to Make Mr. B upset Hand in papers with frillies or schmears Swear Argue/fight Call people names Talk when he is talking Make a mess and not clean it up Use a pen that is not blue or black Glitter Play the recorder
Open your planner to page 2 Goals help you save time, earn better grades Short Term Goals Weekly or current month achievements Long Term Goals 6 months to 6 years
Set some goals For Monday! Set 5 Short Term Goals and 5 Long term Goals Answer the question: What do I need to do in order to achieve my goals?