Bienvenidos a West Lake para el año Please take a binder with your to your seat.
We will be learning: How to work as an individual Pair Group Information about people in the room.
1 = individual work Think about things you want other people to know about you.
2 = the person at your side With the person at your side, you have 45 seconds to tell them things they should know about you. Begin with what you should know about me You will need to present this person later on to others and recall what they have said.
3 =partner in back of the front row
4 = group work Quickly turn your desks and make a table. In your table, starting with the person that has the next birthday, introduce the person you spoke with by telling them three things about that person.
4 The person to the left of the one with the birthday needs to come to the table and get a green paper. The paper is the “a la campana” (ACL-At the bell)
FYI This will be the only ALC paper you will be able to receive. Paper is a big expense. Due to budget cuts this is one area where copies can be reduced. Learn the format.
Position 1 Please return to position 1.
Objective fecha: lunes el 22 de agosto. Learn class procedures. Learn the names of 10 or more students. Create 3 different name plates. Learn how to turn in assignments
Have the person from position 3 review your paper. Position 3 is the chair in back of the front row.
ALC 1 Write the name of the person you spoke with. Write 3 things about them.
Position 4 The person to the right of the one with the next birthday will need to take out a piece of paper and write the information the group comes up with. Write the names of the students in your group in the right hand margin in alphabetical order according to the last name.
Brainstorm/rapid fire This means you come up with as many ideas as you can in the allotted time. Make sure they get down on paper. Brainstorm/rapid fire is the title of the assignment. Place the title in the center of the page on the first line.
3 mins. You have three minutes to think, speak and write down as many ideas you have of what a teacher should do in the class room.
The person 2 to the right of the next birthday gets the opportunity to take notes.
Group share Share one idea or responsibility your group came up with. No repeats. If you don’t have the idea down on your paper, please add it.
3 mins. You have three minutes to think, speak and write down as many ideas you have of what a student should do in the class room.
Group share Share one idea or responsibility your group came up with. No repeats. If you don’t have the idea down on your paper, please add it.
Stretch and move 1 min get up move around Circulate and pick up the disclosure paper. Sit down only when the timer goes off. Not before or after. Return to position 4
Read along In your groups, take turns reading the information. Read until you get to the bottom of the box. Place a check on your brainstorm paper for the concepts that we both came up with. Start with the person whose birthday is next. Please read at a level that only those in your group can hear.
Scoring a paper Add up the checks from the paper. Write the score over 20 in large font above the title. Circle the score.
Number on the paper The person with the next birthday is to put their number in the upper right hand corner of the paper and turn it in to the collectors in the middle. You have 30 seconds. Collectors, if you receive a paper after the 30 seconds write a -5 on the paper.
Postion 1 Please have a paper for notes on your desk.
Fold or draw Name______________ Class____________period_ Date: lunes el 22 de agosto notes
In the notes section Write what materials you are to have for this class. 3 ring binder Pencil/pen (no mechanical pencils) colored pencils/markers highlighter, dry erase markers flash cards (3x5 cards)
Class procedures At the bell Student welcome – one student is asked questions by others in the class. Questions are on a card. Daily assignments, written, oral, listening *Centers – small group work where students read and follow the directions that will indicate how and what is to be done.
Achievement vs proficiency Achievement – grammar -spelling, punctuation, accents, capitalization. Proficiency – what you can do with the language and can a native understand you.
Write questions to ask of a partner 4-6 that require 1 word answers 2 that require a sentence response 1 that requires two or more sentences
Pass the paper to number 2 postition Write the answers on the paper. Return the paper to owner.
Place the notes and disclosure in your binder. Disclosures must have signature by the next time we meet in class.
Stretch and move 1 min get up move around Circulate and pick up the ½ sheet of paper. Sit down only when the timer goes off. Not before or after. Return to position 4
Position 3 Work together to fill out the information on the front and what you can on the back. Your parent will need to fill in the rest by the next class period. Place the paper in your binder.
Make 3 name plates One for the birthday board One for the bienvenida board One for your desk
Desk name plate Write your name on the front and the back in 22 font = inch in height. On each side of your name draw and color something you like to do. Label 1 and 2 Sr. Slade 1 2
bienvenida Name in 40 font = 1½ - 2 inches
cumpleaños Name in 20 font Birthdate # de month. 24 de febrero