Collection Management LC Call Number Training Program
Overview Classification Theory Call Number Elements Using Call Numbers
Section 1: Classification Theory
Classification Theory Libraries need an organizational system to find their materials. Libraries arrange materials on the shelves so that items on a particular subject are found close to others on that subject. classification This is called a classification system.
ClassificationTheory Classification Theory One well-known classification system is the… It is most frequently used in high school libraries and in public libraries.
Classification Theory College and University libraries use a different classification system known as the….. The Library of Congress system was developed in 1897 at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.
Classification Theory The LC system of call numbers uses a series of letters and numbers to identify each book. Call Number
The Library of Congress Classification System divides all knowledge into twenty- one major classes, such as religion, history, education, etc. A letter from A to Z is used to represent each class. General Knowledge Education Math Fiction Classification Theory
The Library of Congress has 21 broad subjects and each one is assigned a letter of the alphabet. The only letters not used are I, O, W, X and Y. PSQDSubjects are defined even more by combining letters of the alphabet to form subclasses. Some combinations of call numbers you might see are PS for American Literature or QD for Chemistry.
Classification Theory A complete LC call number is actually composed of several parts: V J QA Subclass Subdivision Cutter Number Date Volume
Classification Theory A vertical arrangement of call number components is the customary display used on books QA 76.8.M3J v.1 These call numbers can be found...
Classification Theory Or on the Spine On the Cover
Section 2: Call Number Elements Now, let’s learn more about the LC classification system, how call numbers fit together and how you interpret them.
Call Numbers Sometimes the class letter is associated with the name of the knowledge area: MM for MUSIC TTforTECHNOLOGY GGforGEOGRAPHY But more often it is just an arbitrary choice of a letter. PPforLANGUAGE AND LITERATURE BBforPHILOSOPHY, PSYCHOLOGY, RELIGION QQforSCIENCE
Call Numbers The broad classes of knowledge are then subdivided to represent more specific areas of learning. Double letters such as: P, Q, M P, Q, M are CLASSES PS, QK, ML PS, QK, ML are SUBCLASSES For example: PS=American Literature QK=Botany ML=Music Literature
Call Numbers Where would you expect to find various collections of the stories of Edgar Allan Poe? Poe was an American author. Therefore his books should be found with other books of American literature. P PS. The classification for LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE is P and the subclass for works by American authors is PS.
Call Numbers As you can see each subclass is actually an entire area of study in itself. Smaller subdivisions in the classification system are necessary to bring books on similar topics together in the library. Numbers from Numbers from are added to the class letters to provide these subdivisions
Call Numbers subclass For example, within the ML subclass for music literature: ML 1 ML 1 is used for music magazines ML 410 ML 410 is the class for biographies of composers
Call Numbers Consider the book, Beethoven: Life and Works, by T. Carter. It is classed in ML where books about Music (Music Literature) are to be found.
Call Numbers The ML subclass has several ranges of numbers used to represent different types of books about music: ML ML Music history by time period (20th century, medieval music, etc.) ML ML Music history by country (India, England, U.S.A., etc.) ML ML Biographies (composers, performers, scholars, etc.)
Call Numbers. In the biography subdivision, books about composers are always classed in ML 410. We can find all the biographies of famous composers, such as Beethoven and Mozart, in this section.
Call Numbers On the other hand, biographies of performers such as: The Beatles, John Coltrane or David Hasselhoff ML 420 are classed in ML 420. The Numbers used in subclasses designate SPECIFIC CATAGORIES of materials.
Call Numbers LC Classes, Subclasses and Numerical Subdivisions form a HIERARCHY-- like an outline. Each large group may be divided into subgroups. Each subgroup is related to its larger group. There follows some of the subclasses in ‘Q’:
Now we will look at subclass QD (Chemistry) and its subdivisions. Note that there can be even smaller categories within subdivisions. Call Numbers
Cutter Numbers The second component of an LC call number is the Cutter Number. It always begins with a decimal point, and consists of a series of letters and numbers.
Cutter Numbers Let’s look at the order given to books in the classes F21: FFFFF B4.B45.B5.B73.B8 Cutter numbers The order of the call numbers above shows that numerals in the Cutter Numbers are treated as Decimals rather than Whole Numbers. Decimal Numbers.4<.45<.5 Whole Numbers 4<5<45
Cutter Numbers Single Cutter numbers may be Single:.R44.R47 A single Cutter Number begins with a decimal point, has a letter and one or more numbers. Double A Cutter Number may also be Double:.B8N39.B8N4.B82A5
Cutter Numbers In the biography section for composers (ML 410), the biographies of Mozart are grouped by using the Cutter number “.M92”. In the following example you can see the how single and double cutter numbers function.” These biographies are further ordered through the use of a double Cutter Number. The second alpha-numeric sequence represents the names of the authors of the biographies..M92C6 - Life of Mozart by Cecile (the “C” in the cutter number represents Cecile).M92E5 -Mozart: A Child Prodigy by Ewing (the “E” in the cutter number represents Ewing)
Other Call Number Elements
To identify a particular item more precisely, it is sometimes necessary to add information to the basic call number (classification and cutter numbers). Basic Call NumbersOtherIdentifiers
Other Call Number Elements These elements may be… Dates to indicate year of publication. PR.C Date
Other Call Number Elements Series designation (e.g. Ser.1, Ser.2, etc.) when the publisher has organized volumes into different groups or series. HB 1.A5 Ser. 1 v.1 no.5 Series
Other Call Number Elements Volume Number (v.) is used to identify one volume of a multi- volume work having single title. When periodical issues are bound together, a volume number is an important part of the call number. HB 1.A5 Ser. 1 v.1 no.5 Volume Number
Other Call Number Elements Parts designation (pt.) to indicate that one volume has been divided into several parts. M 3.H46 Ser. 1 v.7 pt.5 Parts Designation
Other Call Number Elements The various additional descriptors may be combined in different ways as needed to provide a unique location for each item in the library’s collection. M 3.H46 Ser. 1 v.7 pt.5 M 3.H46 Ser. 1 v.7 pt.6 M 3.H46 Ser. 1 v.8 M 3.H46 Ser. 1 v.8 pt.2 M 3.H46 Ser. 1 v.8 pt.3 M 3.H46 Ser. 1 v.8 pt.4
Other Call Number Elements There are also some occasional and unusual designations attached to call numbers such as: Suppl(Supplement) Index Ser. Set (Serial set) 1st S. (first session --for certain papers of the U.S. Congress) The important thing to remember is to interpret the call number first and then take each additional element and arrange it numerically.
Other Call Number Elements Copy Numbers Copy 1 or Cop. 2 or C.3 In some libraries each copy of a title is designated by adding Copy 1 or Cop. 2 or C.3 to the call number of the title. This was formerly the practice of the RU Libraries, but now barcode numbers provide copy identification when it is needed and (old) copy markings can be ignored (Unless you’re shelving in the stacks area).
Section 3: Using Call Numbers Because there are so many different elements to call numbers, it can sometimes be confusing trying to determine what call numbers go in what order. To help you, remember the following rules. Single letters are shelved before double letters. Letters are shelved before numbers Numbers in front of the first decimal are whole numbers, while those after the first decimal are considered groups of decimal numbers Volume, copy number and/or date are information that may not appear on every call number Nothing comes before something
Using Call Numbers Single letters are shelved before double letters. When you have a call number that starts with a single letter, all call numbers that start with that letter and an additional letter are shelved after it. Below, there are several call numbers from the K section that provide a good example of this. Double letters are also shelved before triple letters. K 172.G KF 129.F32 c.2 KFN 15.T2 pt.2 KG 19.L5T KL 9.89.B4 v.2
Using Call Numbers Letters are shelved before numbers. When you encounter a cutter number where there are no letters at the beginning of the cutter, it is shelved after the cutters with letters at the beginning. Be aware that some cutter numbers start on the same line as the base number, and some start on the next line. E 183.L E E 184.R73 v.12 E E C9 v.2
Using Call Numbers Numbers in front of the first decimal are whole numbers, while those after the first decimal are considered groups of decimal numbers. Q Q Q Q Q
Using Call Numbers Volume, copy number and/or date are information that may not appear on every call number. Also notice that both copies of the 1 st copy come before the second volume of this series. PR PR PR v.1 PR v.1 c.2 PR v.2
Using Call Number Elements Nothing comes before something. If a call number is does not have an element, such as a cutter number, it is shelved before one that has a cutter. Think of an “invisible” zero cutter, or a place holder, that makes the call number without a cutter come before one that does. The same applies to other elements as well, like years and copies, as well as base numbers. PR PR PS.A PS 154 v.3 PS 154 v